Get in Tune With Your Audience to Keep Your Blog Active
Anaïs Skoutariotis As travel bloggers, our goal is to inspire our readers and share our expertise so they can have the best experiences. Creating the right content during a pandemic can be very challenging. It’s important to have insights about your audience and create up-to-date, inspirational content. Below, I’ll guide you through four steps on…
How I Kept Blogging in a World Without Travel
I am a tour guide, travel writer and blogger, and photographer. I moved from New York City to Paris in 2005. When the COVID-19 lockdown commenced in Paris in mid-March, the entire city was shut down with the exception of doctor’s offices and essential businesses such as food shops, newsstands, and a handful of other…
Use Old Photos to Inspire New Articles
Whenever I get stuck and find myself thinking “there’s nothing to write about,” then it’s time to go looking for inspiration. And inspiration strikes every time I go back and look through my old photos. Every single time. Plus it’s a fun task. For me, this is making a cup of tea and enjoying a…
Live and Work Anywhere You Want With Travel Writing
Would you love this to be your new office? It’s mine today. One of the perks of being a travel writer. I love the freedom it gives me. Yes, that includes my office view for the day being a pristine white-sand Caribbean beach. Of course swimming breaks are included. As a travel writer you can live…
The Unexpected Benefits of Published Articles
The twisting mountain road was barely wide enough to let two hotel shuttle vans pass as we climbed to our lodging high above Gero. Unlike the monochrome town below, this ryokan (traditional Japanese lodging) was a work of architectural art that blended in with the dense jade-green forest. The trip to Japan in 2017 included…
Local Travel Is Reopening: 5 Ways to Make Sure You’re Ready
Imagine my surprise when my phone rang two weeks ago, and my PR contact from central New York was on the other end. “I’m not sure how you feel about travel right now, but there’s someplace I’d love to have you visit overnight.” I’d worked with Scott many times over the last few years—before COVID-19…
Western North Carolina…
…outdoor adventures for the non-adventurerBy Susan Dejanovic, ITWPA Member Travel domestically and experience outdoor adventure, there’s more to it than hiking and swatting bugs as beads of sweat trickle down your face. I admit, when the world seemed to come to a stop just a few months ago, I thought the days of feeding my…
How to Find New Publications for Travel Writers
Whether you’re a beginner or a veteran, we’re all facing the same dilemma these days…how to find new publishers for our writing. Travel writers need to find a new niche for a while until the pandemic loses its grip on the world and people can actually start traveling again. How do we find new publishers?…
Mastering the Art of the Query Letter
To be a successful freelance writer, you need to understand and follow certain best practices. Building good relationships, paying attention to writers’ guidelines, and submitting articles at or before deadlines are all examples of this. Possibly the most important, however, is the practice that gets your foot in the door with publications in the first…
How to Get Published in Challenging Times
Strategic planner and speaker Carece Slaughter once said, “We start by setting the course, we succeed by staying the course.” Whether you’re a new writer or one with more experience, we all share one thing in common. We’re all navigating through some rough waters these days. But just like a good sailor, we need to…