
How To Become Unstuck And Find Writing Inspiration

Let’s be honest. Everyone feels “stuck” at some point. I’ve experienced it a gazillion times—when I struggle to find writing inspiration—and I’m betting you have too, right? It doesn’t seem to matter who we are, or where we live, how much money or how many toys we possess—even what we do for work or pleasure—no…

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Networking For Travel Writers: How To Get Started

As writers, we spend a good amount of time alone in front of our computers. It’s necessary if we’re going to meet those looming deadlines. But devoting time to your writing is just one part of the equation for successful travel writers.  We have to sell ourselves to be successful in this business. And selling…

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Networking For Travel Writers: The Benefits Of TravMedia

For travel writers, marketing and networking are everything.  Why? Because as writers, we need to let the world know we’re out there. And finding the right platform for this leads to more travel opportunities and more ways of getting published. A few years ago, I stumbled upon TravMedia—the travel industry’s social media network connecting media…

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Reader Photos Prove That Simple Sells!

One of my favorite parts of our annual Breakfast Stock Club reader survey is getting to peek at the stock photos that are selling well for you! A big thank you to everyone who shared their best-selling stock photo of 2017, by the way. As you’ll see below, every single photo had one thing in…

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