How Attending Workshops Has Helped Improve My Photography Skills
Looking back on my childhood full of vacation photos, I never thought photography would be my future. I’ve taken many photographs in my lifetime, along with collecting minerals, fossils, gemstones, and mini bottles. In 2015, I thought it was time I shared my passion and my collections with the world via pictorial/coffee table books, but…
Great Escape Radio: Episode 104: Finding Inspiration in Stories of Success
“You’re never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” – C. S. Lewis Host Jody Mayberry talks with travel writer, Terri Marshall about her role as the success story manager for us. “I’m fortunate to see all the success stories that come in through letters and on the various Facebook…
VIDEO: Why Are Your Stock Photos Getting Rejected?
A few weeks back, I asked readers to send in photos they’ve recently had rejected from stock agencies. Thanks to everyone who was brave enough to share! I’ve made a video going over each shot, why I think it didn’t make it in… and what to do about it next time you shoot. By far…
How To Become Unstuck And Find Writing Inspiration
Let’s be honest. Everyone feels “stuck” at some point. I’ve experienced it a gazillion times—when I struggle to find writing inspiration—and I’m betting you have too, right? It doesn’t seem to matter who we are, or where we live, how much money or how many toys we possess—even what we do for work or pleasure—no…
Networking For Travel Writers: How To Get Started
As writers, we spend a good amount of time alone in front of our computers. It’s necessary if we’re going to meet those looming deadlines. But devoting time to your writing is just one part of the equation for successful travel writers. We have to sell ourselves to be successful in this business. And selling…
Get More Bylines — Tap Into Unknown English-Speaking Markets
If you want to succeed as a travel writer you need to be on a constant lookout for new publications and opportunities to get more bylines. This means looking online, and searching for hard copies in places such as the doctor’s waiting room or the hair salon. However, when trying to move up the totem…
Networking For Travel Writers: The Benefits Of TravMedia
For travel writers, marketing and networking are everything. Why? Because as writers, we need to let the world know we’re out there. And finding the right platform for this leads to more travel opportunities and more ways of getting published. A few years ago, I stumbled upon TravMedia—the travel industry’s social media network connecting media…
Great Escape Radio Episode 103: Trade Shows and Live Events
“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” –Benjamin Franklin Host Jody Mayberry and Great Escape Publishing Director, Lori Allen, introduce us to Betsi Hill. Lori shares her insight into Betsi… “People like Betsi are attracted to travel writing because that’s what drives them. Betsi loves the idea of having fun, living life, loving…
Reader Photos Prove That Simple Sells!
One of my favorite parts of our annual Breakfast Stock Club reader survey is getting to peek at the stock photos that are selling well for you! A big thank you to everyone who shared their best-selling stock photo of 2017, by the way. As you’ll see below, every single photo had one thing in…
Tips For Taking Food Images That Sell Well As Stock
I love taking pictures of my food and then adding them to my stock portfolio. Food images sell, and the ones I take pay for the dish that I photographed… and sometimes much more. For instance, this tower of tuna tartar has sold enough to pay for the entire meal that my son and I…