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“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” –Benjamin Franklin

Host Jody Mayberry and Great Escape Publishing Director, Lori Allen, introduce us to Betsi Hill.

Lori shares her insight into Betsi…

“People like Betsi are attracted to travel writing because that’s what drives them. Betsi loves the idea of having fun, living life, loving what she does and not being bogged down with commutes and other ordinary career issues.”

Betsi’s quest for fun in her life has brought her success as a freelance writer, blogger and now as an editor-in-chief of a new publication. A key component of her success has been a result of attending trade shows and events.

“As a travel writer, blogger and a new editor-in-chief of a start-up magazine, I go to trade shows, media marketplaces and other specialized shows with a three-pronged approach,” explains Betsi. “I’m interested in meeting people for the possibility of writing about a destination, garnering that precious perk called free travel, and finding out destinations and products that we could potentially review in the magazine I’m editing.”

Betsi shares with us how she maximizes the benefits of the trade shows and media marketplace events she travels by…

…Researching the destinations and products in advance

…Developing a 30-second elevator pitch that presents the “who, what and why” every destination wants to know

…Maintaining a press or media kit that showcases her work and illustrates how her work can benefit brands and destinations

Betsi also shares how she follows up after an event and what has helped her achieve an 80% success rate of working with the contacts she’s developed. 

If you’re interested in learning more about becoming a travel writer or a photographer, Lori suggests starting with the Ultimate Travel Writer’s Program to build a strong foundation then sign up for a live event to build on that foundation. Visit for more details.

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