Sell Photos Taken In Your Kitchen!
One of the best parts about stock photography and selling your photos is that you can incorporate it into your daily life. In fact, Breakfast Stock Club reader Rosanne Tackaberry found a way to make hundreds of dollars in stock photo sales… simply by opening her refrigerator and getting creative. Through this experience, she’s learned…
How Travel Blogging Is A Great Start For New Writers
When I agreed to become a regular contributor for a local regional blog, as well as the blog for my Convention and Visitors Bureau, I had no idea how much these travel blogging assignments would hone and cultivate my writing skills. Looking back, it’s probably one of the most influential assignments I’ve ever accepted as…
How Travel Writing Helped Me Make Money Overseas
2014 was an extraordinary year for me. Not only did I quit my six-figure job, but I also sold everything and moved to Colombia, South America with my husband. Adventurous? Maybe. Crazy? Not in the least. I called it my leap of faith. A major life change in my 40s was a bit risky, but…
5 Tips To Help You Find Writing Inspiration Every Day
A critical key to successful travel writing is to stay inspired and motivated. Travel writers are a unique group of people who are acutely observant and independent and have a need for expression… but they can often suffer from lack of creative inspiration. Creative inspiration is wonderful when you have it, and frustrating when you…
Travel For Free — 5 Tips To See The World On Someone Else’s Dime
American writer Susan Sontag once said, “I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.” One of the reasons we become travel writers is because we love traveling to anywhere and everywhere. But the cost of everything we’d love to see and experience can be prohibitive. There’s hope though, because savvy travelers know how to…
How To Land Your First Travel Writing Assignment
“I can give you ink, space for 300 words, a byline, and no money,” they told me. “OK,” I murmured, certain the editor of my small-town, entertainment tabloid could hear the disbelief in my voice. It was my first travel writing assignment. Before this, two friends had suggested that I submit a story to Travel…
When Your Photos Don’t Match Your Vision
Whenever I shoot a new batch of photos, I start with a vision in my head… but the results never quite match that initial vision. Sometimes, they’re better than I could have imagined. But other times, something isn’t quite right. Either I missed an opportunity for a GREAT shot… messed up a setting… or the…
Great Escape Radio Episode 106: Using both sides of your brain
“Some people dream of success, while other people get up every morning and make it happen.” –Wayne Huizenga Host Jody Mayberry and Lori Allen, bring Noreen Kompanik back to the podcast to talk about aspects of her travel writing career. (You can listen to Noreen’s last podcast interview with fellow member and writer, Theresa St.…
Submit Photos To Stock Agencies—You’ve Got Nothing To Lose
After being inspired at a Great Escape Publishing workshop in October 2009 in beautiful Santa Fe, New Mexico, I started to submit photos to stock agencies. At the workshop, I listened to Lise Gagne, Shelly Perry, and Efrain Padro talk about their photo-selling strategies and successes. I took their advice, and I left the workshop…
The Best Help For New Photographers (And Rainbow Chasers)
At 50 years old, I told friends I was “off to join the circus.” I’d undergone training and got certified to become an International Tour Manager. Now I get paid to escort and teach small groups of people on luxury tours in Europe. The company I work for books as many as 16 guests or…