5 Tips To Improve Your Photography While Having Fun
A photography project is a fun way to improve your photography and expand your portfolio. It involves choosing a new topic each week, setting up the photo shoot, sorting through the photos, editing the best ones, and sharing them with others. And one of the biggest advantages is that you can add many of the…
5 Tips For Getting The Best Out Of Event Photography
Recently I’ve earned nearly $900 in just two and a half months with my stock images (mostly from event photography) and all because I was in the right place at the right time. I was staying with my daughter in Abu Dhabi when the Louvre Museum (a collaborative project between France and the United Arab…
How To Get The Best Image Quality
What you need to know about image quality: Last week, I shared a video going over reasons why your photos might be getting rejected from stock agencies. If you missed it, you can watch it here. Since image quality is one of the most common problems, let’s go over some tips for getting the most out…
Why You Should Be Photographing Flowers This Spring
Spring is in the air… and this time of year brings the chance to photograph one of my favorite subjects—flowers! A big reason why I like photographing flowers so much is because they make the perfect subject for practicing composition. (They are extremely patient models!) Spend a little time with the flowers at a botanical…
Great Escape Radio Episode 105: Networking as a Travel Writer
“A good first impression can work wonders.” –J K Rowling Host Jody Mayberry and Great Escape Publishing Director, Lori Allen, talk with travel writer, Terri Marshall about the importance of networking. Once a tax accountant, Terri transitioned to a part-time travel writer before making the leap to full-time travel writer a couple years ago. Having…
Why You Should Take A Safari In Tanzania (And How To Prepare)
Magical and mystical is one way to describe rolling through the Serengeti at sunrise looking out for those animals on an early morning hunt. The scenery in Tanzania is hard to describe, in part because you can drive for what feels like a few miles and the whole world changes. We were in three (maybe…
Buying A Camera — Tips For Getting It Right
If you’re spending a lot of time (and money) buying a camera, you’re doing it wrong. Camera bodies come and go. It’s the lens and the brand of camera you decide to invest in that makes a good investment. Pretty soon—I’d say in the next five to six years—most cameras are going to be…
How To Build An Income Stream With Photography
The first time I attended a Great Escape workshop was in Portland years ago. I was an advertising sales representative at a large corporation, but one of my guilty pleasures was reading e-letters from Great Escape Publishing. I would daydream about traveling, taking photos and being paid for it, and how I could build an…
How I Made The Transition To A Photography Career
If you’d asked me 30 years ago what do you want to be when you grow up?, artist was certainly not an answer I would’ve provided—and definitely not photographer. Nope, I was too busy trying to follow a linear path that I thought was what you were supposed to do. The idea of a photography…
Why Become A Photographer (Other Than The Pay-checks)
I will travel, take photos, and create art—whether someone pays me to do it or not. It’s just in my blood. Money has never been my primary motivation to become a photographer (though it’s certainly a nice perk). Flashback 23 years. Like many moms, I was the family photographer. I relished capturing my family’s special moments…