15 Ways I Save Time And Money As A Travel Writer
Not every photo you snap has to be a winner. Some images aren’t meant to be sold at all. Instead, their job is saving time and money. Travel writers are information collectors. We illuminate our stories with photos we take of attractions, accommodations, food, and drink. But we also need to collect brochures, guides, maps,…
8 Must-Review Tips for Telling your Story without Boring your Reader
Tips from freelance travel writer Jennifer Stevens for telling your story without getting your readers bored.
Easy Steps To Landing Your First Byline As A Travel Writer
As children, we learned to draw by joining dots. Landing your first byline as a travel writer can often be as simple—it’s just a matter of finding and connecting the correct dots. The way I landed an article in the October/November edition of World Travel Magazine last year is a great illustration… The first dot…
Great Escape Radio: Episode 168: How to transition into a new career
“You don’t have to know all the steps to getting where you want to be, you just have to know the next step.” ―Valerie Young Host, Jody Maberry and Director, Lori Allen introduce us to Valerie Young. Lori introduces us to Valerie… “Valerie describes herself as the “dreamer in residence” at changingcourse.com. I go to…
How To Land Your First Cover Story As A New Travel Writer
My first cover story. I’ll never forget that day! I placed the magazine on an end table and each time I walked past it, I couldn’t believe it was my article and photo on the cover. Was this really happening? Before I became a travel writer three and a half years ago, I’d never written…
How To Become A Travel Writer – The Easy Way
“Tell me you have a headlamp,” my friend Sarah says as I’m packing up all my things. I shake my head no. The sun will come up long before I reach the summit. Why do I need a headlamp? “You need a headlamp, sister. You can buy one at Wal-Mart for $10 bucks. It’s dark…
5 Tips For Ensuring Your Travel Writing Success
It was New Year’s 2014 and time to figure out what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. Thirty-plus years into a successful nursing career, I was ready for something different. Something fun for my retirement years. A friend told me about the Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop. I love to travel and…
No Experience Required – What An Editor Is Looking For
Editors are interested in sourcing the best possible stories for their readers. They’re much more concerned with getting a story that excites them, and which they feel will engage their readers, than they are with the level of experience the writer has under his or her belt. If your story is on-target and constructed soundly,…
6 Types Of Travel Article That Sell Best
As an editor, one thing I try to hammer home with new writers is that a story can take many different formats. There’s no one-size-fits-all, and that can be freeing. Just thinking of how to present a story differently can turn a marginal idea into a great one. The subjects themselves, what your goals are…
Great Escape Radio: Episode 167: The Not-So-Pleasant Joys of Traveling Overseas
“I went all the way across the world and realized people there are just like me.”—Jody Maberry Great Escape Radio host, Jody Maberry and Great Escape Publishing Director, Lori Allen reflect on Jody’s first international trip. Jody had never left the country before his recent trip to Kuwait. It was a “go big or go…