The number one reason your photos aren’t selling
What do you think is the number one thing you need to learn to start selling your photos? Bonnie, here. My best-selling photos represent thousands of dollars of income. I’m not a great salesperson, so that’s money I never would have made if I had never learned how to make my photos look great in…
Great Escape Radio: Episode 170: Your path to travel writing
“Once you start writing about travel, you will never travel the same way again and your travels will become much richer.”—Jen Stevens Host, Jody Maberry brings Jen Stevens back to the show. Jen is the Executive Editor for International Living magazine as well as the architect of the Ultimate Travel Writing Program for us. Jen…
How Good Photo Composition Can Make The Ordinary Appear Beautiful
“To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place… it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.” —Elliott Erwitt Good photo composition can turn the things we see every day into something more. Keeping it…
Tips For Taking Seasonal Photos That Sell This Summer
With the 4th of July holiday just two days away, there are TONS of opportunities for taking new seasonal photos that sell. Get your camera ready, and bring it with you to family gatherings, picnics, barbecues, and all that summer has to offer. Here are a few ideas to get you started: 1. Americans of…
Best Camera To Use When Taking Photos You Want To Sell
There are so many different places to sell your photos – even as a beginner. But a lot of folks say that they don’t like to lug around a huge, heavy camera. I hear you! Bonnie here, again. I mentioned over the last few days that you can use your phone to take stock photos. So,…
Great Escape Radio: Episode 169: Writing local stories never gets old
“Every time I wander a few miles from where I live, I find something new.”–Theresa St. John Host, Jody Maberry brings travel writer and photographer, Theresa St. John back to the show. Theresa has been on the show previously to talk about her travel writing career which she built by starting local. She has written…
When Taking Photos To Sell, Keep It Simple Like This…
I tend to over-complicate things sometimes. When someone says, “Let’s have a picnic,” I can’t just bring cheese. It must be an obscure French sheep cheese to pair with black cherry preserves, for example. But when it comes to taking photos to sell in online stock agencies, simple is key. For example, this photo of…
How To Submit Your Phone Photos To Stock Sites In 5 Minutes
Are you reading this in the bathroom right now? According to, nearly 90% of Verizon users owned up to using their phones in the bathroom. And a number of surveys across carriers report the same thing. Wherever you use your phone… from the local café to waiting in the check-out line, now you can…
How My Photo-Editing Skills Rescued These Old Photos
As I’ve been working to increase my stock photo portfolios this year, I thought I would look over some of my old photos to see if there were any I could add. When I finally got around to it, I couldn’t believe how much potential stock I had just sitting on my hard drives. I…
How A Healthy Dose Of Competition Can Help You Switch To Travel Writing
Wheezing slightly and wanting to stop, I was running faster than I ever had… and still coming in dead last. Bonnie, here, with two lessons I learned (the hard way) while running a relay… that completely apply to your travel writing… First, I told myself that I’d take it slow. No need to push it,…