Great Escape Radio: Episode 165: Instagram for Photographers
“Social media is just a buzzword until you come up with a plan.”—Unknown Host, Jody Maberry welcomes Bonnie Caton back to the podcast. At the recent Ultimate Photographer’s Workshop in St. Louis, Bonnie spoke to attendees about Instagram. Jody confesses he resisted Instagram for years even though people told him he should be there. He’s…
Top 5 Ways To Become A Trusted Brand Ambassador
Yesterday, I said that I’m paid by brands to blog about them, and I gave you some tips for making those relationships work. But before that… before any brand finds you, you have to create an audience of people willing to listen to you. It’s about gaining the right readers, reaching the right audience, and…
How To Deal With Sponsored Posts On Your Blog
The blogging industry comes with a lot of mystery and mystique. A reader might see “sponsored post” or “#partner” on one of their favorite blogger’s pictures or blog posts… but what does that really mean? Let’s dive in and discover all the behind-the-scenes details… Why do brands pay bloggers to represent them? According to a…
How Blogging Has Afforded Us Baby Boomers A Life Of Travel
It was fearful firing our corporate life for a life of travel. Family and friends said we had lost our minds. All those “what if” thoughts plagued us as we were planning our escape: • What if we ran out of money? • What if one of us became ill? • What if we…
The Difference Between A Hobby Blog And A Money-Making Blog
I’ve received a lot of questions lately about how to set up a blog and why writers and photographers should have one. So, this week let’s switch gears to what you need to know about blogs and how you can get paid to have one… The truth is, lots of people have blogs. But a…
By Investing In Your Skill, You Can Take Travel Pictures Like These…
I cringe a little when I run across some of the photos I used to think were good. Like these, which I posted online for the world to see: I’m chuckling to myself now as I show them to you. Every photographer I know does this. As your skills grow, your favorite photos are replaced…
Making A Side Income Selling Stock Photos From My Outdoor Adventures
It was staring at us right there on the wall—a blank spot on our family event calendar. Birthday parties, dinner groups, board meetings, old friends coming through town were all around, yet right there was a whole weekend with no commitments scribbled in. Better yet, there was a perfect weather forecast. I mentally flipped through…
Great Escape Radio: Episode 164: A Recap of the Ultimate Photographer’s Workshop
“Good fortune is what happens when opportunity meets planning.”—Thomas Edison Host, Jody Maberry and Director, Lori Allen talk about the recent Ultimate Photographer’s Workshop in St. Louis, Missouri. Lori shares her thoughts on the event… “This was our 174th live event and I think it may be my favorite one yet!” From the outstanding staff…
3 Easy Tricks For Taking Photos That Will Sell
We all carry our cell phones around all day, every day. So why not make it work for you? If you’re anything like me, once or twice you may have found yourself looking at something and thinking, “Gee, I wish I’d brought my camera.” Great saleable shots are everywhere. For example: We had a huge…
The Choices We Make Today Will Help Us Accomplish Our Goals
My daughter’s default setting at dinner time is to cry and whine over new foods. It doesn’t matter if the new food contains ingredients she loves. Or if the recipe came from a friend and my friend’s kids love the dish. Before Charlie even puts a fork to her mouth, she’s already whining and cringing about…