The 3 Ds That Can Propel You To Travel Writing Success
An unknown author once said that “Winners are ordinary people with extraordinary determination.” Max Downham ran his first marathon at age 81. Sally Ride became the first American woman astronaut in space. At the age of 17, Malala Yousafzai was the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. What do these amazing individuals have in…
Great Escape Radio: Episode 163: Preparing for your first international trip
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”—Helen Keller Host, Jody Maberry and Director, Lori Allen talk about Jody’s first international trip. Believe it or not, Jody’s starting his experience with international travel with a trip to Kuwait. As he says, “the most exotic place I’ve ever been is Duluth, Minnesota!” Lori asks…
Beating Self-Doubt As A New Travel Writer
My life is a vivid contrast to 10 years ago. I’ve relocated my home, more than doubled my network of friends and business associates, resurrected some long-forgotten hobbies, and I’ve become a travel writer. For years, I tamped down thoughts of writing for income. My self-doubt materialized through constant questions. What if I’m not a…
Becoming A Travel Writer – How Hard Work Pays Off
Thomas Edison once said, “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” I love this quote. Nothing has ever fallen in my lap. And in life, nothing’s ever been handed to me. Which is okay–I’m used to working hard for what I have. In 2013, when I…
How Travel Writing Can Enhance Your Retirement – Welcome To The Third Age!
When I began to receive emails touting everyday people like myself working from the beach with nothing more than a laptop and a Wi-Fi connection, it got my attention. I’d been laid off from my regional sales manager position in 2012 , and I was looking for something different. So, after reading countless emails about…
6 Ways To Make Your Articles Stand Out
After three years and nearly 200 published articles, I have learned a thing or two about freelance travel writing. One being the importance of an alternative perspective. The travel writing market is flooded with straightforward destination pieces, so standing out is vital. But how can you make your articles stand out? Wherever you are, make…
A Travel Writer’s 3 Tips For A Better Work/Life Balance
In the nearly two years since attending the 2017 Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop, I’ve become more determined than ever to thrive, travel, and experience life to a fuller degree—all while having a better work/life balance. Once I started writing, I realized how much I loved it. So, now, I’m following my dream, and I’m healthier,…
Travel Writing Or Photography? Here’s How You Reach Your Dream
On this Mother’s Day, I’m reminded that, last year, I missed my son’s kindergarten graduation. I wasn’t doing anything important at work or juggling too many things. I was just scattered and disorganized and it slipped my mind. And what’s worse, I sent Warner to school that day in torn shorts and un-combed hair, so…
Great Escape Radio: Episode 162: Travel Writing Every Day
“You will never change your life until you change something that you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.”—John C. Maxwell Host, Jody Maberry talks with Noreen Kompanik who is celebrating her 400th published article. Noreen spent 34 years in nursing before transitioning into travel writing. In just over…
How to Be Photogenic: Posing Guide
How to be photogenic — and encourage your model to be more natural — by avoiding these common pitfalls of portrait photography…