Sharing My Own Stories As A Motorcycling Travel Writer
I love a good story about someone’s life experiences, and I really love sharing my own stories. I’ve done many things people seem to find interesting, like aerial photography, sailing the Great Lakes, or traveling by motorcycle. But possibly the best part of doing these things is always going somewhere different to do them. I’m…
Starting Out As A Travel Writer After 60
“If they knew my age, they would reject my stories.” “I’m too old to be starting out as a travel writer.” “Will I be able to travel with my arthritis?” “No one cares what a great-grandmother has to say.” These age-discriminating thoughts and many more almost kept me from becoming a travel writer. I was…
Great Escape Radio: Episode 159: Embracing Interesting Situations as a Travel Blogger
“Every secret of a writer’s soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his mind, is written large in his works.”— Virginia Woolf Host, Jody Maberry and Director, Lori Allen bring Connie Pearson to the show. Lori introduces us to Connie… “Connie is this sweet Alabama Christian grandmother that has not only had several…
5 Tips For Shooting Photos With A Spring Theme
Has your camera been hibernating? Well, good news… spring is finally here! That means longer days and warmer weather, so why not dig your camera out and create some stock photos to celebrate the new season! Here are five tips for shooting stock photos with a spring theme: 1.) Be observant. Spring is a time…
4 Tips For Taking The Best Smartphone Photos
There’s a popular saying in photography: “the best camera is the one you have with you.” For most of us, that’s our smartphones. Because, if you’re anything like me, your phone is never too far away! Thanks to huge leaps in technology, it’s now possible to take stunning images with your phone, saving you from…
The Secret To My $20,000 Stock Photo Success
I put this photo in an online stock agency where it was picked up by National Geographic for the cover of one of their magazines. Since then, it has gone on to earn me an upwards of $20,000… What’s the secret to my stock photo success? Well, the upload part was simple. I did it…
4 Ways For Photographers To Approach The Creative Process
I am fascinated by the creative process. I want to understand it so that I can be creative myself and share my knowledge with others. In my quest to better understand creativity, I recently signed up for an online drawing class. I’m hoping to learn what other visual arts have in common with photography… and…
Great Escape Radio: Episode 158: Benefits of a blog
“If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all: Read a lot and write a lot.”—Stephen King Great Escape Radio host, Jody Maberry and Great Escape Publishing Director, Lori Allen bring food blogger Nathan Aguilera to the show. Lori introduces us to Nathan… “Nathan is a blogger that I found…
5 Great Reasons To Develop Your Photo Skills
When you make the decision to pursue photography, it’s scary and thrilling at the same time. At first, you have so many questions: • Will I be able to do this? • Will people like my photos? • Who am I to think I can suddenly become a photographer? Bonnie, here. I had all of…
How This Travel Writer Landed A Paid Photo Shoot
Suddenly, I was surrounded by horses. Curious horses. They were interested in my camera, tripod, and me. After they satisfied their curiosity, I got the chance for close-ups of the small herd with the Pacific Ocean in the background. It was May and a glorious spring day. I was standing at the top of a…