My Tango Stock Photo Shoot Turned Into 135 Sales (And Counting)
Argentine tango dancers are part athlete, part actor… and all the way obsessed. To watch them at work is awe-inspiring. Their sleek bodies. Their muscular calves. The way they effortlessly bend and twirl… and that look of pure passion on their faces. This January in Buenos Aires, I was transfixed. In the mid-summer heat, I…
Learn To Speak French – And Keep Yourself Out Of Trouble
Black smoke spews from my car beside an empty highway in rural France. It’s 2 a.m. Roadside assistance is sending help. What could be wrong? This is a brand-new car. We were in the countryside, a couple of hours from Paris. Rural France is quite different from the big city. Sparsely populated. Especially at 2…
Getting 300 Stock Photos Accepted In Two Weeks!
Breakfast Stock Club reader, Rachel Lambert is on a roll. One day she decided to give stock photography a try, and two weeks later, she had almost 300 photos accepted! That’s amazing! But what strikes me the most about her story is that she made it very doable. She created a solid game plan and stuck to it. With confidence and…
Great Escape Radio Episode 112: Find your creative spark
“A spark leads you to action that leads you to the next thing.”– Jody Maberry Host Jody Mayberry and Director Lori Allen, discuss how you can find your own creative spark. A few months ago, Lori watched a video interview with a woman who has over 800,000 Instagram followers. She’s a photographer and shoot commercials…
Need A Career Switch? Earn Money From Your Photos …
Photography was there for me when I didn’t know what to do with my life. I was a social worker. I worked with severely emotionally-disturbed children, and my weeks were long and emotionally stressful. On one particular day, a young lady I’d been working with for months went into a rage punched me in the…
Stock Photography Opportunity Is Everywhere—Even Under Your Feet
In the timeless fairytale, Hansel and Gretel dropped shiny pebbles to find their way back home. In a modern twist on fairytale lessons, when I travel to unfamiliar locations, a quick photo on my smartphone guides me safely back to my parked car. It’s a favorite travel hack that serves me well. Thanks to Great…
3 Creative Ideas For Photo Subjects You Can Shoot At Home
Most of us would agree that travel is one of the ultimate ways to achieve photography inspiration. Visiting new places always sparks our curiosity. But what about when you’re not on the road? Don’t just sit there! Now is the perfect time to be honing your skills (and getting paid for your close-to-home photos). Here…
5 Tips To Help Get Your Article Accepted For Publication
Whether you’re submitting a feature article for publication, a 200-word blurb, or something in between, your goal as a travel writer is the same: Get the editor to say “Yes.” There are many ways to accomplish this, including researching your subject thoroughly and editing your work carefully. But another great way to get your article…
A Stock Photo Shoot For Spring And Summer Themes
Thinking of the warmer months helps me plan ahead for what I should shoot for my stock portfolio right about now. I have a bit of an edge here in California, since I can plan a shoot in the fresh green grass, with tulips, even during wintertime. I did something similar a few years ago,…
Create Saleable Images — Starting Right There In Your Kitchen
We all like to pick up travel magazines and admire the beautiful photos of exotic locations in faraway lands. As a travel photographer myself, I’m grateful to be able to discover and photograph foreign landscapes and cultures every year. But just as Rome wasn’t built in a day, neither was my photography career. Before I…