Great Escape Radio Episode 68: Take care of yourself
“It’s not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself and to make your happiness a priority. It’s necessary.” – Mandy Hale To learn more about how you can live better, travel farther and earn more as a travel writer, visit: Great Escape Radio host, Jody Maberry, and Director, Lori Allen, discuss the importance of putting…
A Common Stock Photography Question
For the next few weeks I’m going to answer the top three most commonly asked questions about stock photography. First up is… Question #1: “Can I submit the same photos to multiple stock sites?” Answer: YES! You sure can. In fact, this is one of the best parts about selling stock photos – you aren’t…
How Writing Sponsored Posts Can Boost Your Income As A Travel Blogger
Writing sponsored posts is one of the most lucrative ways bloggers can earn money from their sites. What does this involve? A sponsored post is a post on your site that a brand or company has paid you to place there. The post can be one that they have written, one that they pay you…
Grow Your Blog: 3 Tips That Launched Me To Blogging Success
Anyone can start a blog. But how do you start a blog that gets read? How do you grow your blog into one that brands want to work with? Nine years ago, I started the blog that would ultimately transform my career from corporate attorney to nationally recognized sports business expert. I’ve received two book…
Five Reasons To Get Started With Stock Photography
We’ve had a flurry of newcomers to the Breakfast Stock Club recently – welcome! Whether you’ve been with us for a while, or you’re brand-spankin’-new, you know that stock photography is all about selling photos. But you’ll never sell a thing if you never actually start. So here’s a little refresher to get you excited…
Great Escape Radio Episode 67: 1 Place in 6 Photos
“They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and we’re going to give them a whole lot of pictures.” – Tom Smith To learn more about how you can get started selling your photos, visit: Great Escape Radio host, Jody Maberry, and Director, Lori Allen, bring Efrain Padró back to the show to…
Travel For Free (And In Style) With All-Expenses-Paid Press Trips
I’ve always loved to travel. But before becoming a travel writer, those long weekend and far-away vacation destinations came out of my pocket. It never entered my head that I could travel for free. When I attended the Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop in San Diego, one of the most profound moments for me was when…
Kick-Start Your Travel-Writing Career With In-Demand Local Stories
Over the past five years, I’ve made a living out of my laptop with my travel-writing career. My degree in journalism was the kick-starter for a career with words, but I always had a desire to see the world beyond the news desk. Not only did I think travel-writing gigs would be hard to get,…
Get Started In Travel Writing With These 3 Tips
I’m that friend who wants to hear every detail of your latest vacation. Got photos? Bring them over and let me take a closer look. Journaling about my travels is second nature—a habit I formed during childhood. Travel writing, however, seemed to be that puzzle piece tottering on the edges of my consciousness that never…
Life As A Freelance Travel Writer: The Best Time To Start Is Now
As I’m capping off the last of four travel-writing trips, I’m still reeling over this remarkable lifestyle I’m experiencing as a freelance travel writer. In just five weeks, I got to do the following: Dance with Miss Mexico on an enchanting once-in-a-lifetime experience as the guest of the 2017 El Presidente of Camotinchan in Oaxaca,…