Make More Money With Stock Photography (It’s A Numbers Game)
Stock photography is an excellent launch pad for your photo career. It allows you to build an image portfolio at your own pace, and you have the freedom to take pictures of whatever you enjoy photographing—such as people, landscapes, or architecture—without having to deal with editors or being on assignment. And because stock agencies take…
Great Escape Radio Episode 97: A Photographer’s Freedom
“Moving abroad has pushed a restart button in my brain…it’s kept me from getting into a rut.” – Bonnie Caton Great Escape Radio host, Jody Maberry, talks with Great Escape Publishing Photographer and Instructor, Bonnie Caton about how life as a photographer opens up new worlds. “One thing about working with Great Escape Publishing like…
How To Write Winning Travel Stories That Editors (And Readers) Will Love
Last summer, I had the honor of judging the Best Responsible Tourism Story Award for a certain country’s society of travel writers. I had been invited to do this by an editor I work with and who also happens to be vice president of the society. I noticed something important: A number of elements separated…
Marketing For Travel Writers: 5 Ways To Get Started
When we’re not traveling, writers spend a good amount of time alone in front of our computers. We have to if we’re going to meet those looming deadlines. But devoting time to our writing to craft the perfect travel article is just one part of the equation. We also have to learn how to market…
How To Write For Niche Markets (And Earn More Money)
As travel writers, we all love to see our names on articles in big publications and websites, but getting regular work from these markets isn’t always the easiest thing to do. In fact, if you’re aiming to increase your bottom line in the years to come, your best bet may be to write for niche…
Tips For Finding Travel Writing Success (From A 70-Year-Old Triathlete)
A few months ago, I was on a flight to the Big Island of Hawaii—seated next to an almost 70-year-old gentleman from San Diego traveling to Hawaii to compete in the Ironman Triathlon. This seemed a miracle in itself. Then I found out that Mike has been training for this competition while undergoing chemotherapy for…
Great Escape Radio Episode 96: The $10k Power Hour
“Don’t tell people your dreams. Show them.” – Anonymous Great Escape Radio host, Jody Maberry, talks with Great Escape Publishing Photographer and Instructor, Bonnie Caton. Bonnie has been working on a new project for us called the $10K Photo Power Hour. “In the Great Escape “Power Hour” series, we take something and break it down…
Tips For Taking Portrait Photos That Can Also Sell As Stock
The start of a new year is always a great time to set some new goals to help yourself grow, both artistically and professionally. I find that goal-setting always helps me “up my game.” So, going into the holidays, I set a goal of my own. For the holidays, I offer my clients mini-shoots at…
Taking Local Photos: Art Is Everywhere Around You
Most of the photos that I take are to complement the travel articles that I write. I’m usually on the lookout for very specific shots that help illustrate my words. I also like to take photos for my own pleasure, and for these, I love Instagram. With Instagram, I’m able to share moments that touch…
Travel Photography: Up Your Game To Sell More Photos This Year
At the New Year, I wrote down a few promises to the photographer in me, then tacked them to the wall in my office. They take me back to when I was a 4-year-old kid who followed her dad around the yard with her first Kodak Brownie. After all, I’m still growing in this skill.…