How To Get A Much Better Photo (You Can Sell)
Distractions turn great photos into snapshots. I’m talking about little distractions in the form of fences, people, trash cans, litter, brightly-colored signs, branches, power lines, and anything else that distracts your viewer’s eye away from your main subject. Often, all it takes is a few seconds to change your angle and get a much better…
5 Fall Photo Themes You Should Be Capturing Right Now
Yesterday we talked about winter and holiday photos on your computer that you can sell as stock right now. But any time the seasons change is a great time to head out and take new photos, too. In fact, fall is the biggest buying season for stock agencies. Which means that if you haven’t started…
Have Winter Photos? Here’s How To Make Some Extra Income Right Now
Did you take any photos last winter? Now’s the time to dust them off and sell them. With fall just around the corner, designers and photo buyers are starting to look for winter and holiday images for their upcoming campaigns… Which means that, right now—while it’s still warm and summery out—is the best time to sell…
Make Passive Income By Taking Simple Photos That Sell As Stock
Frostbite… parasites… house arrest… meningitis… and paraglider crashes. Those are just a few of the hazards of being a National Geographic photographer, according to an article that came out a few years back. In it, current and former Nat Geo shooters counted up all the terrible things that happened to them out in the field. Some…
How to Get Travel Perks and What to do Once You Have Them
All travel writers get excited about the possibility of free perks. Perks cover a wide range of experiences. A delicious meal at a new or trendy restaurant, a complimentary stay at a hip boutique hotel or luxurious resort are standard perks. A perk can also be an insider pass for front row seats or behind…
How Writers Build Successful Working Relationships
In the movies, writers are often portrayed as lonely figures hunched over a typewriter or keyboard in a dimly lit room, banging away at the keys until an article or chapter of their novel is finished just minutes before a deadline. The truth is, writing is a team effort. Especially for a travel writer. There…
7 Steps to Take When Starting Out as a Travel Writer
When you have no money, energy, or free time, the thought of starting out as a travel writer can be quite daunting. But after attending the 2013 Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop with Great Escape Publishing in Boston, Mass—listening avidly to past attendees’ success stories and instructors’ step-by-step plans on how to make it happen—I knew…
4 Factors to Building Success as a Travel Writer
One of my favorite movies is Field of Dreams. Kevin Costner plays an Iowa corn farmer who hears a voice telling him to build a baseball diamond in his fields. “If you build it, he will come” says the whispered message from somewhere beyond over and over again. Though his brother-in-law and neighbors think he’s…
Use Your Holiday Snaps to Spark Article Ideas
What do you see in this photo? You probably see friends celebrating right? Perhaps a birthday, promotion or other special occasion. But I see so much more. Such as these potential travel article ideas: • Great Places to Catch Up with Friends in … • A Hidden Gem in the Heart of … • Great…
The Benefits Of Networking As A Travel Writer
Ernest Hemingway once said, “Writing at its best is a lonely life.” Sorry, Mr. Hemingway, I have to disagree. While it’s true that we spend hours at the computer alone, we’re not alone in this writing life. It’s been 11 years since I launched my travel-writing career, and, in those years, I’ve developed relationships with…