
How to Leverage Your Smartphone to Improve Your Articles

Recently I spent a long weekend in Madison, Connecticut, a shoreline town that I’m profiling for an upcoming issue of my publication, Yankee Magazine. In the old days of gathering notes for a story, I would have had my trusted notebook, some good pens, and maybe a recorder. I would have collected my material, returned…

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Top 5 Things To Know About Travel Blogging

In my six years of blogging about travel, I’ve learned a few things. I did some things correctly from the get-go, like creating social media accounts and letting all of my friends and family know about my blog. I emailed tourism bureaus and asked to be added to their press lists. And I got busy…

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How A Blog Can Lead To Amazing Travel Experiences

I’ve been invited to Romania several times to work on an ongoing project to promote the country. While there, I’ve taken boat rides down the Danube Delta, stayed in luxury eco resorts, toured castles, and tried the best food and wine the country has to offer. In the Philippines, I’ve been invited to island hop…

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My Top 3 Income Streams From Blogging

I know, you’ve seen those Facebook ads, too: A young couple, deeply tanned, sunglasses on, with a tropical background—living the dream. The headline reads: “3 years ago, we started blogging, now we earn six figures.” Or something similar. Your heart longs for it to be true, but your head tells you: It’s too good to…

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Life As A Blogger – What My Typical Day Looks Like

I’m a full-time blogger at I began blogging around 10 years ago and I’m still very active in the blogging community. While my blog originally began as a focused exploration on food and fitness, I now discuss subjects related to becoming our best selves in mind, body, and spirit, while also highlighting related personal…

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4 Ways To Make More Money As A Travel Writer

I’ll never forget my first published article. It came in the July 2007 issue of a small regional magazine in Palm Beach where I was living at the time. And it wasn’t just an article; it was the debut of my “Travel with Terri” column. The publisher had not only given me the opportunity to…

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3 Tips (Straight From A Travel Editor) For Starting Your Story

Maybe this sounds familiar. You’ve just returned from an awesome trip, you’ve taken great notes, you’re all set to write and then…nothing. You stare and stare and stare at the computer screen, waiting for those magnificent words to just start flowing, but something quite the opposite happens. You don’t know where to begin. It happens.…

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