
Learn From Our Recent Stock Photo Challenge

I hope our Breakfast Stock Club Summer Sprints Photo Challenges these past few months have inspired you to get out and shoot… experiment… and try new things! We’re in the home stretch of our last Sprint, so let’s finish strong. One of my favorite things about our monthly Photo Challenges is seeing the variety of…

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How To Create Artsy Photos From Your Raw Images

As a travel photographer, my eyes are always wide open and alert, receptive to the emotions and messages being transmitted by everything around me. I find it invigorating to capture raw images and then interpret them during the creative post-processing phase, transforming them into my own vision. I like to think that I convey stories,…

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Get Paid Extra For Your Travel Photos

Some people decide to become a travel writer and they only want to write. They have no interest in taking photos. This is perfectly acceptable, because many venues and visitor’s bureaus can supply you with professional photos to accompany your article. So, it’s not a requirement to take photos as a travel writer… However, when…

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