5 Tips For Starting A Blog (That Makes Money)
Back when I started in 2010, my blog was little more than a glorified diary where I pondered over the highs and lows of a life abroad. At that time, a travel blog was merely a form of expression… but now, run correctly, a travel blog is a business. Today, my blog is just one…
A Travel Blog Is The Secret Sauce Of A Successful Travel Writer
When I began writing in 2014, I was seeking the perks that come along with the writer’s life. What I discovered along the way has opened a new world of luxury travel, fantastic food and wine, and outrageous experiences. It has also shown me that travel writing and travel blogging go hand-in-hand. The secret sauce…
Our Last Summer Sprint Stock Photo Challenge Is Here!
Although summer is still in full swing, we’re rapidly approaching one of the best stock photo opportunities of the year… Back to school time! School – and education of all kinds – are hot selling themes, which is why we’re making it August’s Breakfast Stock Club Summer Sprint theme. Let’s take a peek at three of the current best-selling…
The Benefits Of Becoming A Full-Time Travel Writer
Writer and philosopher Alfred D. Souza said that “Happiness is a journey, not a destination.” I loved being a nurse, and I did that for over 34 years. But in the last few years before I transitioned to full-time travel writer, I dreaded that Monday morning 5.30 alarm. That’s when I knew it was time…
Before You Conduct An Interview For Your Travel Story, Prepare!
The day was hot and the air conditioning in my car had gone out. Dressed to survive the heat, I embarked on my day trip along CO I-25 from Denver to the Wyoming border in search of the best places for a traveler to stop and stretch their legs. Armed with my article idea, camera,…
With 3 Published Articles, You’re On Your Way
There’s something special about getting those first three published articles. With three bylines, you are officially on your way to becoming a travel writer. It’s a milestone worth celebrating because: • You gain confidence. • It gives you momentum. • It helps you establish a successful routine. • You continue to expand your education in…
Great Escape Radio: Episode 121: A Unique Photo Niche
“You have a choice to look for rainbows or look for dirt, I choose to look for rainbows.”—Janette Tepas Host, Jody Maberry and Director, Lori Allen introduce us to Janette Tepas. “After attending the Great Escape Photography Workshop last year in San Diego I was inspired to try something new with my photos,” says Janette.…
How To Get A Model Release For Your Stock Photos
I love travel, adventure, and meeting new people! So stock photography and I get along pretty well. I’m a lifestyle photographer and LOVE shooting people and capturing real, authentic moments. But for most pictures of people, you need a model release when you submit the photo as stock. (Here are some times when you don’t.)…
Your Stock Photography Goals: Don’t Let Procrastination Stand In The Way!
How are you doing on your stock photography this summer? Shooting new photos? Editing? Uploading to your stock sites? Hopefully all of the above! If not, don’t worry. Most of us are no strangers to procrastination. The toughest part about stock photography is getting that initial momentum, but once you break through that first hurdle,…
Tips For Taking Editorial Stock Images
Few things strike fear into my heart like uploading images to a stock website and realizing I didn’t get a model release. Sometimes you get caught up in the moment and forget… or, if you’re like me, it can sometimes feel awkward to ask strangers to sign a model release. But that shouldn’t stop you…