As a travel photographer, you need to be prepared to work around common travel photography challenges

Bad Weather, Builders On Site, Doors Closed: How To Deal With Common Travel Photography Challenges

There’s a sign at the beginning of a trail in Rocky Mountain National Park that reads: “The Mountains Don’t Care.” In other words, even if you love nature and its beauty, nature couldn’t care less about you—so be prepared for anything. The same applies to travel photography. Even the best laid travel and photography plans […]

Trendy vs. Timeless Stock Photos

When it comes to creating stock photos, there’s basically two schools of thought: Trendy vs. Timeless. The first approach is to keep on top of popular trends in the advertising world; to create photos that look modern and current. Shots like these: Photos that feature the newest technology, hottest gadgets, and distinct styles are likely […]

Top 4 Habits Of Creative People That Can Help Your Photography Success

I’m fascinated by the creative process. I want to understand it so that I can be creative myself and share my knowledge with others.  During our photography workshop at the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta, we talked a lot about photo composition—something that will definitely help to improve your work.   But I also encouraged attendees to […]