Stock Photo Sizing Made Super-Simple

I’ve gotten a lot of questions about Alamy’s stock photo file size requirements, lately. It’s not surprising… they’re confusing! Let me simplify it for you… If you’re submitting to Alamy and your photo is larger than 6 megapixels, you should be ok. But… what the heck does that mean? When it comes to image size and resolution […]

Take your camera for a walk

The people who are successful in stock photography are the ones who get their cameras out. This may seem obvious, but it’s all too easy to let time slip by while your camera gathers dust. Last week, Breakfast Stock Club reader Rosanne Tackaberry shared how she makes money selling simple photos taken in her kitchen. […]

Sell Photos Taken In Your Kitchen!

One of the best parts about stock photography and selling your photos is that you can incorporate it into your daily life. In fact, Breakfast Stock Club reader Rosanne Tackaberry found a way to make hundreds of dollars in stock photo sales… simply by opening her refrigerator and getting creative. Through this experience, she’s learned […]