
Trendy vs. Timeless Stock Photos

When it comes to creating stock photos, there’s basically two schools of thought: Trendy vs. Timeless. The first approach is to keep on top of popular trends in the advertising world; to create photos that look modern and current. Shots like these: Photos that feature the newest technology, hottest gadgets, and distinct styles are likely…

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Great Escape Radio Episode 82: Art vs. Marketing

“A dream doesn’t become reality through magic. It takes sweat, determination, and hard work.” – Colin Powell To get your hands on all the information shared at the recent Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop, go to Great Escape Radio host, Jody Maberry, and Director, Lori Allen, talked about the recent Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop in Washington…

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5 Best Things About Being A Travel Photographer

In 2002, I was in Torres del Paine National Park, Chile over the Christmas holiday.  Because of the park’s isolation, changeable weather, and rugged terrain, hotel options are limited and camping is often the only way to be in the right place at the right time—when the light is at its best (first and last…

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The Most Fulfilling Part Of Being A Travel Writer

There is something delicious about writing the first words of a story. You never quite know where they’ll take you. – Beatrix Potter I love being a travel writer.  A day on the “job” for me last week was traveling from distillery to distillery along Kentucky’s Bourbon Trail, tasting and sipping bourbon and bourbon cocktails…

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