
Tips For Getting Started In Stock Photography

Motivation doesn’t always strike at the most opportune or convenient times. If you ask successful people what motivates them, they may not have a satisfying answer. Sometimes it’s just a leap of faith and you give it your best shot. The people who write in to tell us about their successes are everyday folks from…

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Earn Cash For Your Photos As Fine Art, Stock Or Editorial

You probably have photographs just sitting in your computer that you could sell right now. According to National Geographic magazine, the number of digital photos taken by Americans alone leapt from 53 billion photos in 2006 (an average of 177 per person) to 105 billion photos in 2015 (an average of 322 per person). Many…

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Great Escape Radio Episode 43: Creating great stories

“I don’t shoot parties. I create films that move people and compel them to take action for causes that really matter.” – Joe Sindorf And if you want to learn more from Joe you can meet him in person at the Ultimate Photography Workshop this April in San Diego. For more information, go to:…

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A Day In The Life Of A Travel Writer On A Press Trip

Yes, being a travel writer is as good as it sounds.  As an established freelancer, I’ve now been on many fully paid-for press trips, all over the world. Most recently, I traveled to Switzerland, Germany, and Austria to ski the Alps with a small group of North American journalists. Here’s a look at a typical…

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Great Escape Radio Episode 42: Starting local

“Mom, you love to travel and you’re the queen of questions, I think you should be a travel writer.” For more information on how you can get started with travel writing, visit: Radio host, Jody Maberry, talks with travel writer, Connie Pearson on starting local. Travel writing is actually Connie’s fourth career. She was…

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Take Better Photos With This Pro Tip

How do you smoke a Cuban cigar? Start with rum, of course! Bonnie, here, coming to you on Day Three of our Cuba photo expedition, where we’re learning how to enjoy and photograph true Cuban pleasures… coffee, rum, music, and cigars. Most of us don’t smoke anything, much less cigars. But when we tried it……

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