
Daydreaming Could Help You Be More Productive

“Mom, can Lloyd come for dinner?” “Who’s Lloyd?” “He’s my friend. He’s two years old but he has the strength of a 7 year old. He likes to borrow my clothes. I met him at Jedi School. After bed, I fly out my window and meet him in the parking lot. You could come, too,…

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Great Escape Radio Episode 45: Pay it forward

“Jed Vaughn is not afraid of sharing his secrets of success and to me, that’s a tell tell sign of a good man!” –Lori Allen To find out more about how you can get started with travel writing visit: Great Escape Radio Host, Jody Maberry and Director, Lori Allen, introduce Jed Vaughn. “Jed Vaughn…

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5 Tips To Publish More Travel Stories In 2017

Working as a freelance travel writer requires you to maintain a high level of motivation and to be inventive in finding new ways to get your work published.  Especially in the beginning, writing opportunities may not fall right into your lap. Just remember how lucky you are to have created this job you love for…

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Getting Started With Stock Photography – Part 1

Getting started with stock photography might seem like a big, daunting project. But it doesn’t have to be! For the next three weeks, I’m going to walk you through it, breaking everything down into small, doable steps. Even if you can only devote 20 minutes to an hour each week, follow along with these steps…

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Great Escape Radio Episode 44: Share your dreams

“Don’t keep secrets or dreams to yourself. Put them out there and share your experiences.” – Jessica Irwin For more information on the next Ultimate Photography Workshop, this April 7-9 in San Diego, CA, go to: Great Escape Radio host, Jody Maberry and Director, Lori Allen introduce us to Jessica Irwin, a young woman…

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