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You probably have photographs just sitting in your computer that you could sell right now.

According to National Geographic magazine, the number of digital photos taken by Americans alone leapt from 53 billion photos in 2006 (an average of 177 per person) to 105 billion photos in 2015 (an average of 322 per person).

Many of those photos could be earning money right now if they were available on a stock photo site or sent to an editor as part of a travel article package. 

Look how it’s paid off for Cindy and Amy, below… then, I hope you’ll be inspired to go out and earn cash for your photos, too.

>>>>Photo Success Case Study #3: Cindy Wilson

Professional background: Systems implementation and financial operationsearn cash for your photos like Cindy

Main photo market: Fine art – photos to hang on walls or print on greeting cards/posters.

What’s been the most rewarding thing about adding photography to your repertoire?

People rave about how photography changes the way the photographer experiences the world, but what I love most is when my image leads others to experience my experience. 

What’s the most recent photo you’ve sold?

My last sale was a black-and-white photo I took on Great Escape’s Tanzania photography expedition — a zebra crossing a stream in a quiet moment. The reflection accentuates the tranquility of the image.

earn cash for your photos

What would you tell someone who is hesitant to give photography a try?

If you are a writer, a solid photo alone might be the anchor behind a good story. As an accessory for a larger project – be it a travel blog or a living-room design – your photos convey a sense of place and time that can sell the idea, provoke the emotion or enhance the impact. 

Unlike becoming, say, a nuclear physicist, it’s an accessible skill to all. Worst-case scenario, with a little effort, you’ll be taking the family and vacation photos others actually want to see. Best-case scenario, you’ve developed a skill that has real value and provides you one more artistic outlet.

>>>> Photo Success Case Study #4: Amy Muschiksell more photos

Professional background: Executive advertising sales rep

Main photo market: Stock photography

Her portfolio can be found at Shutterstock:

What’s been the most rewarding thing about adding photography to your repertoire?

I have absolutely loved learning photography, and the most rewarding part for me has been seeing my photos used by some big names like Reader’s Digest, Staples, and Disney. 

Several have been used in countrywide syndicated newspapers, and one of my photos was even used by Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show. I always get a kick out of seeing my photos in use.

I’ve also really enjoyed combining my existing love for contests with my new love of photography. It seemed like a no-risk way to start practicing photography, and it is such a rush to win. My dogs found the prize of a year’s supply of dog food pretty rewarding, too.

What’s the most recent photo you’ve sold?

I sell photos every single day, so pinning down the most recent sale is a moving target.  I did a check of what I sold today, and came up with this one that is a personal favorite that I took of my sister and her husband at the cottage.

earn cash for your photos

What would you tell someone who is hesitant to give photography a try?

Don’t wait! Every day you wait to get started, you are leaving money on the table and robbing yourself of the fun and rewards of selling your photos. There is just no good reason not to give it a try. I started with no previous experience, so I know you can, too.

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