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My dad has a problem. 

He wants to retire but he’s not sure he can. 

He’s saved enough (he thinks) to live in the manner he’s become accustomed to. But rising healthcare costs are eating away at his savings faster than he expected, so he’s looking at avenues for extra income.  

He and I are very different.

I like to experiment with my camera, travel, and write.  

He, on the other hand, would rather build things with his hands.  He’s made a very good living building businesses.  And he can never see himself as a writer or a photographer.

I mention him today because, after doing 100 calls with our members, I’ve learned that my dad is not alone.  Lots of our members like to travel.  They wish they could do more of it.  But, right now, they’re looking for the security those little green sheets of paper can provide.  They want more of it. But they don’t want to continue working the same career to get it. They’re done with 9 to 5. 

Something else… something easier… that would also be fun and bring in a solid side-income sounds perfect. 

If this is you, too, you’re going to love import/export. 

It sounds pretty businessy. But it’s actually a lot of fun. And it has the highest income potential of any other program we publish.  You might remember last year that Jeff Carley quoted us a monthly income of $12,000 and yearly totals that go well into six figures.  He’s one of our most successful members – it was Jeff who added all the new videos to our program last year to reveal exactly how he does it.

Import/export is about building.  And experimenting. The payouts can be huge if you’re willing to treat it like a part-time or full-time job.

For someone like my dad, it’s perfect because it’s not really a business you need to maintain with employees and emails and such.  You can run it from a laptop in the comfort of your own home without any employees, inventory or big business investments. 

You can stop and start as often or as little as you want.  There are no new skills to learn.  And companies like Shopify and Shipwire have made all the technical buying, selling, and delivery parts easy. 

While you can start earning extra income in a matter of weeks (and even days!), you should know that import/export isn’t going to make you rich overnight. Plan on six months to a year to figure the perfect combination of product and ads. We’ll show you exactly what to do to align yourself for success… but you need to be willing to experiment.  It might not take you as long as one year, but $12,000 per month isn’t something you’re going to build to in just three months.  You need to be realistic about that.

That said, you can cut your learning curve—and up your profit—if you’re willing to experiment in three to four products at the same time.

You can get started with import/export with as little as $50, but I’d recommend investing at least $200 to get your feet wet.  You’ll be amazed how quickly you can get started – and how fast your earnings grow. The trick is getting past the hundreds and into the thousands of dollars of revenue per month.

Below are a couple members who are finding success with it.  Just click on their name below to read what they’ve learned.

Mark used it to take six months out exploring warm Caribbean destinations

Judy does it on the side as a suitcase importer

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