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Travel writer Bel has taken some fantastic trips in just one year...My friends and family always say to me, “You’re living the dream.”

Do they realize I work? Yes, of course they do… But to their eyes, I’m running around the world… always up to interesting things in interesting places.

Quite frequently, as a travel writer, it’s all pampers and perks one day, then finding yourself in exciting and often hilarious situations the next…

One day, I had an underwater collision with a shark while snorkeling in Belize… another day found me trekking through jungles Indiana-Jones style… then, the next I was lazing on the beach sipping Mai Tais and enjoying a massage… for free.

You don’t get these kinds of experiences in a boring desk job.

The dream life of the travel writer

Since completing the Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop last year, my writing has improved, and the knowledge I gained there boosted my confidence and motivated me to get out there and write more.

Most of all, it motivated me to try. After all, it’s quite daunting for a newbie—it can be intimidating when you’re first learning to write.

But that was then. Now, writing is fun, and it’s a job I can do anywhere I want. In fact, I’m writing this with glorious turquoise waters as a backdrop. On a beach. On Cozumel Island, Mexico.

And, I get to experience—and write about—the things that interest me. Like exploring the less-visited ancient Maya Ruins of Mixco Viejo in the mountains of Guatemala, for example… trekking through six countries in Europe on a 3-week hike and completing The European Peace Walk… and mud masks and pampering in some of the oldest jungle thermal springs in Honduras, Central America.

All of these experiences have become published stories, along with the pictures taken during my trips. You can’t beat it.

Even more opportunities

You don’t have to stop there, either. As soon as you think “I’m going to be a travel writer,” the writing world is your oyster. Anything to do with travel is now yours.

For example, I lived in Antigua, Guatemala and co-authored a travel book: 21 Reasons to Visit Antigua, Guatemala. This has led to the second in a series of “21 Reasons to Visit …” travel books which my co-author and I will continue writing for years to come about our favorite destinations around the globe.

History, art, culture, food… no matter what you’re interested in, the choice is yours. You can write about what you enjoy. You’re the boss. You’re living the dream.

And it really only comes down to learning a few skills.

Why I’ll never go back to a desk job

Travel is what you make it.

For me, it’s all about art and nature, so you’ll find me sliding down natural waterslides in jungles, standing in awe at the foot of Michelangelo’s masterpiece sculpture David, snorkeling the pristine waters of the world, or on any number of hikes battling mosquitoes the size of chihuahuas… all for you and the other people of the amazing planet we live on.

I want to inspire everyone to get out there and experience it for themselves.

Seeing the gracefulness of freshwater dolphins in the early morning light while sailing down the Ganges in India… and experiencing a sunset water buffalo cart ride in Cambodia, I’m starting to check things off my bucket list. Which is why I would never go back to a desk job. Travel writing gives me all this and more.

It’s work, of course. But I also get to live my dream. I couldn’t be happier.

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