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I bet every single one of us could make a list (or two) of folks who seem to have success at their fingertips. They touch something, anything, and it turns to gold. How the heck do they do it?

Do you think it’s genetics – that success is in their DNA, predetermined at birth? I suppose that’s possible. 

Or, could it be that successful people share some traits, a few common habits that propel them forward in life? Personally, I think it’s the latter.

In 1954, Elvis Presley was a nobody. After his debut performance of “Blue Moon Kentucky” at the Grand Ole Opry, industry insiders reportedly told him he had no future in music and would be “better off drivin’ a truck.”

But here’s what I think…

Successful people don’t really care what other people think of them.

What if Elvis had listened to those guys? Instead of dwelling on negative reviews, though, the musician continued to do what he was passionate about. He poured all of his energy into the craft he loved, celebrating his one-of-a-kind-ness. The rest is history.

And what about Walt Disney?

In 1919, he was fired from one of his first animation jobs at The Kansas City Star by a newspaper editor who thought Disney “lacked imagination and had no good ideas.” Somebody didn’t love him, that’s for sure.

And do you know what else?…

Successful people use failure and disappointment as a launchpad to triumph. 

Even when Walt Disney was fired, he didn’t let that kick to the curb devastate him. He licked his wounds for a time, got back up again, and kept going. 

Successful people never, ever give up. Walt acquired another company, this time an animation studio, which subsequently went into bankruptcy. His third try was the charm: He traveled to Hollywood with his brother, creating Mickey Mouse and Disneyland. Yup, the rest is history here, too.

Lucille Ball entered drama school in New York City. Her classmate, Bette Davis, received rave reviews, while Ball was sent home. Her teachers said that she was too shy for acting. 

During her career, Ball was often regarded as a failed actress and landed more B movies than anything else. More than one drama instructor felt she’d never make it in Hollywood, suggesting that she try a different profession.  But…

Successful people don’t compare their success – or failure – to others.

It’s hard to be compared to someone else – especially if they’re in the same profession. Lucille Ball could have thrown up her hands, moaning, “I’ll never be as good as she is; why even try?” 

Instead, she owned her reaction to how the instructors had described her, making up her mind to prove them wrong. She fashioned her own success in the world of acting. The rest is indeed history.

What about you? Are you going to be a successful travel writer? The choice is yours.

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