Posted by & filed under Travel Photography.

Bonnie here.

Truth: I never sold a single photo until AFTER I learned to use Lightroom. 

Lightroom can turn a dull photo like this…

Lightroom editing tip -before processing
Into something that shines like this: 

Lightroom editing tip - after processing
… and now this image sells in my stock agencies! To help you get the same result with your photos, here’s my Lightroom editing tip for today…

One of my favorite tools in Lightroom is practically magical. It’s super quick. It’s called the “Dehaze” tool, and it’s what I used most on the image above.

Go into Lightroom and down on the right, under “Effects,” you’ll see it.

Photo processing is the #1 greatest skill you can learn to improve your photography.  Give it a try on some of the photos lying around on your computer. Photos you never thought would make the cut can be transformed into saleable images–or great shots to hang on your wall.

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