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“It’s a relief to know the professional photographers are better than we are because they’ve made a choice—a choice to do all the right things required to make a good photograph.” – Jody Maberry

If you’re inspired to make the choice to become a great photographer, you can get started at

Great Escape Radio host, Jody Maberry, and Director, Lori Allen, discuss photography and how you can be a better photographer just by making a choice.

Lori recently wrote a newsletter about how good photos aren’t just born- they’re made with the right mix of learning your camera, understanding good composition, light, exposure and post processing.

“A lot of people want the answer to be in the camera. They want to be able to buy a piece of equipment and have that transform their images,” explains Lori. “Some of that is true. You buy a certain level of quality, focus, stability, color saturation and all those things when you upgrade to a professional level camera. But there’s another magic formula—and it’s not in the camera.”

It’s about choice. Choosing to make a photograph instead of a snapshot.

It’s what happens before and after the click of the shutter that makes a snapshot into a photograph.

Lori explains…

“A professional will walk up, see where the light is coming from, kneel down, get behind a tree, shoot between something—they will look at everything in layers.”

By choosing to learn the pre and post decisions that go into making a good photograph, Lori has enhanced her photography skills. You can too.

By following the simple steps Lori outlines, you can have better photographs quickly.

If you’re inspired to make the choice to become a great photographer, you can get started at

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