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Happy New Year!

At Breakfast Stock Club we often talk about setting goals as we welcome in a new year. And goals are great – I love them, but…

…this year, let’s focus on something even simpler.

Let’s talk about time.

Most everyone I chat with seems to agree – time goes way too quickly and the years really fly by!

hourglass representing time and stock photography goals for the new year

So, rather than asking what you want your goals to be this year, try asking yourself, “How do I want to spend my time?”

What’s your ideal day look like? Can you carve out a little more time to do the things you love?

Imagine spending just 20 extra minutes a day doing something you enjoy, like taking a walk with your camera or experimenting with a new lens. Multiply that by 365 days, and you get around 121 extra hours of fun time in your life. That’s the equivalent of more than three 40 hour weeks when you add it up over the year!

The point is that the little decisions we make on a daily basis really do matter. Of course, stock photography works the exact same way… each bit of forward progress adds up over the long haul.

So how do you want to spend your time in 2018?

Whether you want to learn a new photographic technique, read some good books, spend more time with loved ones, or all of the above and more…

Here’s to making the most of the year ahead!

I’d love to hear how 2017 went for you and your stock photography. What was your best-selling photo? Did you reach your goals? What challenges did you face?

Share your thoughts with our annual BSC reader survey. It really helps me to know how you’re doing, what you’re interested in, and what you want to know most!

Here’s to a beautiful and successful 2018!