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“When your work combines your passions it doesn’t really feel like work.” – Sophie Parmantier

If you’re interested in creating and selling simple travel videos, visit for more details and tips on how to get started.

This week host Jody Maberry talks with Sophie Parmantier who has found a way to fund her travels and make money through travel videos.

Lori Allen, introduces us to Sophie…

“In acting there’s something called a triple threat: someone who can sing, dance and act. That’s how I feel about Sophie. She started as a travel writer getting paid to visit places around the world and write about them. Then she fell in love with video. Now she is bartering her way around the world with little clips about the hotel where she’s staying, or things she’s visiting along the way.”

Sophie shares a few tips for marketing the videos to companies and using the travel videos to complement her travel writing career.

“One important tip is to be inventive, find a good angle for the video and be original,” says Sophie.

Companies are using short 1 minute clips on social media to help market their destinations. And it’s easy to turn those 1 minute clips into $100.

As Lori explains…

“Attention spans are short. Consumers are getting much of their information, news and travel ideas from social media sites. It’s an ideal time to get started making these little videos and begin bartering your way around the world and making money.”

You’ll need very little to get started: a tripod and a microphone. Those things along with your cell phone camera will get you up and running.

If you’re interested in creating and selling simple travel videos, visit for more details and tips on how to get started.

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