
5 Simple Ways to Make a Photography Shot List

Nadia Ali A photography shot list is as it says, a list of all the shots needed for a particular photography project. If you are on assignment you may have a brief from the client on exactly what is expected, but other times it is left to the creation and imagination of the photographer. 1.…

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7 Tips for Taking Great Photos in Lockdown

I live in Paris and when the lockdown for COVID-19 was first announced on March 17, my heart sank. I wasn’t worried about staying home, but as a photographer living in Paris, it spelled disaster. I write a popular blog, Eye Prefer Paris, and photos are essential to my blog posts, which I write three…

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Power Posing: How To Look Confident In Photos

First impressions matter. And recent studies prove it takes just a split second to form one. What’s crazy is that when it comes to sensing levels of confidence, leadership, charisma, friendliness, and more… our split-second impressions are eerily accurate. But here’s the great part: In photos, we can project the things we’d like people to…

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Start Making Plans for Your Blog Now

Now might not be the best time to be promoting travel. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t talk about destinations we would like to visit when it becomes safe again to do so. Nathan Aguilera We can discuss our favorite destinations that are on the priority list for visiting first as soon as we’re…

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