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In looking through the survey responses we’ve received so far, it seems “lack of time” and “overwhelm” are affecting about 60% of our community.

Procrastination and lack of confidence are right up there, too, among the top reasons our members haven’t reached their goals.

So today, I’ll point you to the same resource a friend sent me when I felt this way last year… it was created by the guy who used to run Disney World and manage the 40,000 employees that filled all four of their theme parks…

It’ll work for you, too, if any of this true…

•    You have a lot on your plate and, no matter what you do, it never seems to lighten up. (This was me last year and nearly every year before that.)
•    You’re tired. You want to accomplish more, but at the end of the day you’re exhausted from an endless list of to-dos.
•    You’re constantly rushing… and you blame a lack of organization or clutter for slowing you down.
•    You’re not present with your family… and you’re impatient when you get interrupted.
•    You forget a lot. Even important things… and wind up letting others down.
•    Things that should be important to you—dreams, goals, health and relationships—fall to the wayside while your calendar fills with seemingly important but largely unimportant tasks.

Well, you’re not alone. It seems like a lot of us are “super busy” these days.

How is it that we have so much time-managing technology around us… computers to complete half our tasks… even voice-activated helpers… and yet, we’re still drowning in tasks more than ever before?

I like to argue that it’s because of these things that we’re drowning.

That, and there’s this pressure today to “do it all.” And, in the rush to try to live up to that, we end up achieving less and feeling worse.

I was on a downward spiral last year until a friend of mine introduced me to Lee Cockerell. 

During his career as the Senior Operating Executive of Walt Disney World Resort, Lee led a team of more than 40,000 employees and was responsible for the operations of 20 resort hotels, 4 theme parks, 2 water parks, and the ESPN Sports Complex.

“If he can do all that while I’m simply struggling with a family of four and typical household maintenance,” I thought, “surely he can help me.”

Now he’s retired and he has this amazing “life management” course that has changed my life.

I’ll be honest… when I ordered it, I was skeptical.  I don’t usually like time-management courses. And his are mostly recordings with no flashy colors or graphics that I’m used to seeing from other publishers today.

But it works. 

And, when I fall off the wagon, it’s easy enough to replay the audio version and get back on again… so it’s no small claim to say that it’s changed my life!

It’s called “Time Management Magic” but he really should call it a “Life Management” course instead of a “Time Management” course, because it’s more about accomplishing great and powerful things in your life and still having time for health, family, and wellness.

When I took the program, I no longer felt overwhelmed.  I felt strong. And note: I loved it so much you’ll now see my testimonial on his page. You can read it here.

So my gift to you this Monday is simply this note to let you know that Lee’s program is out there and it changed my life.

If you answered yes to any of the assumptions above—all things I struggled with last year, too—you should try it. 
I’m glad I did.

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