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The biggest trending news topic across the globe today is COVID-19. For the world of travel, this has obviously had a massive impact as governments enforce movement restrictions and people are advised to stay home. 

In terms of writing for the travel niche, pitching places to go and things to do is not currently desired by the travel industry. In fact, articles that are now in demand are about how to keep safe.

The ongoing pandemic has created a new type of travel writing. One that focuses on and enables necessary travel as opposed to leisurely travel. 

So, to meet the demand, take advantage of the immense amount of information available to you through “desk research,” which is what journalists call research done over the internet. If you’re meticulous in performing your research using trusted online sources, you can leverage the information along with your own insights to create numerous pieces. These include precautionary travel articles, travel facts, and listicles—all of which publications are clamoring for right now.

Although many airports have closed their international borders and commercial flights have practically ceased, there are still limited domestic flights and repatriation flights happening. This presents a need for articles that offer advice on how to travel safely, what precautions to take, and even how to deal with the fallout of canceled trips.  

Some possible articles could be:

  • Coronavirus Travel Advice You Need to Know
  • Coronavirus: 6 Fast Facts You Need to Know
  • How to Minimize Exposure if You Have to Travel
  • Travel Insurance—Are You Covered?

There are other types of travel to consider such as necessary domestic road trips and travel involving RVs, trailers, or caravans for those who live on the road. Then, there are travel articles that relate to outdoor activities such as backpacking, camping, fishing, hiking, and even hunting. In places, governing bodies allow limited outdoor activities until further notice. 

Thus, you can consider writing about: 

  • 5 Ways to Sanitize Your RV
  • 8 Ways to Keep Safe While Outdoors
  • 5 Precautions to Take While Hiking

There are those of us who are deemed essential workers, which makes going to work a necessity. Even for those under quarantine, going to the grocery store or pharmacy never felt so dangerous before. Experts are calling the subway, train, and other forms of public transport a hotbed of germs, thus raising the concerns of passengers. 

Topics related to everyday commuting could include:

  • How to Stay Safe on the Subway
  • 5 Ways to Reduce Your Coronavirus Risk on the Train
  • 5 Tips for Staying Safe in Public Spaces

Once you write one of these trending travel topics, it creates a template for others. Travel involves everyone who steps out of their house to get from point A to point B. There is a whole host of related markets to explore like transport, business, parenting, RV life, and even pets.

So don’t think that just because vacations have been called off, there is nothing for you to write about. Do what travel writers always do: offer essential, reliable advice to readers so that they can stay safe, comfortable, and happy no matter where they are.