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“The family feeling I felt at the Ultimate Travel Writers Workshop is the closest feeling to home anyone can get while on the road.” – Brenda Nelson

If you’re interested in learning more about travel writing, go here:

Great Escape Radio host, Jody Maberry, and Director, Lori Allen, introduce us to one of our members, Brenda Nelson.

Like a lot of members, Brenda was looking for a way to reinvent herself. With her four sons now grown and out in the world on their own, it was the right time for her to join us in D.C. for our annual Ultimate Travel Writers Workshop this past September- something she had wanted to do for years.

Listen in as she shares more about her story, her experiences and the “family” she found at that event—a family that has offered her encouragement and support to embark on a career in travel writing.

“After attending the workshop and speaking to editors and others who have been where I am now, I realize I have what the editors are looking for. I know I can do this—I have confidence.”

If you’re interested in learning more about travel writing, go here: or, if photography is more your style go here:

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