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“Look in the mirror… THAT’s your competition.” – Unknown

To learn more about getting started as a travel writer, you can sign up for a special video presentation at:

Great Escape Radio host, Jody Maberry, and Director, Lori Allen, introduce us to Margot Bigg.

“One of the things that make our travel writing and photography courses different is that our programs are written by experts,” says Lori.

Margot is one of those experts. She was sitting behind an editor’s desk when Lori found her and already an expert in the field of travel writing.

“The advantage to working with experts is that they are grounded. They can look back at their career and offer the foundation that you can only get when you’ve come over the hump of fear and self-doubt.”

Margot has an impressive resume as an editor and writer. She has written for numerous publications around the world and has written guide books for Moon and Fodors.

Here’s how she got her start…

“When I first started, I was working in an editorial role in India in the non-profit corporate sector. I reached out to a magazine called Time Out which had just started a new magazine in Dehli asking if the editor worked with freelancers. The editor asked me to write a sample review of a local restaurant which they ended up publishing. From that point, I started freelancing for them and ultimately became the Deputy Editor at the publication.”

After a year in that position, Margot decided to go back to freelance writing so that she could cast a wider net.

Margot shares her insights on what it takes to be a successful travel writer in today’s market including…

***What kind of attitude you need to succeed

***Why reading and studying the work of other writers you admire is important

***Why practice is key

***How to combine things you like to increase your writing opportunities

***How learning a foreign language can help you become a better writer

Margot also talks to us about the importance of competing against yourself instead of other writers who may be in a completely different place than you.

“To move forward, challenge yourself and compete against your own personal best.”

Margot is leading our Travel Writing Expedition to Costa Rica in July.

“We will be immersing ourselves in the Costa Rican culture and teaching writers about the travel writing process.”

Margot will also be assisting writers with one on one sessions.

To sign up for the Costa Rica expedition, go here: /event/2017-costa-rica-travel-writing-expedition/.

Or to learn more about getting started as a travel writer, you can sign up for a special video presentation at:

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