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“People will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” -Maya Angelou

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This week on Great Escape Radio, host Jody Maberry and Director, Lori Allen, discuss trends for 2017.

Lori shares her thoughts on what will help people to stand out in 2017…

“I have a hunch that the two things what will make someone standout in 2017 are politeness and respect. I don’t think it’s going to be quality of work, years of practice, what camera you use, how good of a travel writer you are, or how many places you can afford to visit. People are going to work more with people they respect and who are polite and easy to work with.”

2016 was a rough year in many respects with a polarizing election in the USA and a general disregard for the opinions and convictions of others.

“With this election that just passed, so many people are ranting and raving on social media… it’s almost become the norm to trample all over someone’s opinions. And I think editors are going to prefer to work with people who are respectful.”

In the past, editors sought out well-known writers and photographers… people who had made a name for themselves. They weren’t just buying that person’s work but also the name for their publications.

But the trends have changed and now people are getting their travel ideas from online blogs and often previously unknown writers.

“Social media sites are bringing business to photographers and writers. Editors look up travel writers on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to see how many followers they have and also to see if that person is a good face for their publication.”

Respect matters.

Jody and Lori discuss examples of other cultures and lifestyles and what we can learn from those. It’s an inspiring discussion to lead us into the new year.

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