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After getting the travel-writing “itch,” I studied everything I could on how to write, and how to submit query letters. I even studied photography so I could submit photos with my articles.

I had to take a couple of years off to focus on my business, but after realizing that travel writing is my true passion, I came back to it and made it a top goal for 2018. I wanted to reach my goal as soon as possible, so I searched for a place where I could get help with my questions and find travel writing support when I needed it.

I’ve worked for myself for many years and, although I love working on my own, it’s nice to connect with others in your field. Plus, I’ve found Facebook groups to be helpful in other industries—I’ve belonged to groups where I can get support and answers to my questions, and I’ve even partnered on projects with people I’ve met in Facebook groups. So I already knew how valuable online groups can be as a networking tool.

My initial training in travel writing was with Great Escape Publishing, and when I received the email about the Travel Writer’s Café, it felt like a sign that I should be writing again.

After joining the Café, what’s been most exciting and encouraging to me is this: Finally, there’s a place where other people like me, who are weaving in and out of the travel-writing world, could be found…

A place where I have, on several occasions, asked a question and immediately had more than one person respond with great suggestions. I’ve met some amazing writers in this group that have led to friendships, and I’ve made great industry connections as well.

There are people at all stages of their travel-writing career in the Travel Writer’s Café from beginners to professionals. It’s a supportive group and it’s great for networking. People in the group understand that there’s enough work for us all, and that paying it forward always comes back around in a good way.

I recently read a post in the Café about getting your first few bylines, and it made me wonder how many bylines I already have. Sounds crazy, I know. I remember my first article being published and the satisfaction and excitement I had with that first published piece… but after stepping away for a couple of years, I lost track of my published articles.

Imagine my surprise when I counted my bylines and found I had 50 articles published! That post alone was very inspiring for me.

The blueprints and bonuses you get with membership in the Travel Writer’s Café are priceless. If you are new to travel writing, I highly recommend joining the group and following the Roadmaps in order.

I wish these Roadmaps had been there for me when I started writing. But even though I’ve already had 50 articles published, I still use them because I’m still on my travel-writing journey, and there’s always more to learn.

The Café is a safe place to ask questions, share your fears and frustrations, get support and answers, and, most of all, meet some amazing people. Hope to see you there!

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