Using your camera to become a brand ambassador...

Posted by & filed under Travel Videography.

Nervously, I watched as the horizon of mountains and sky left my sight, while the canyon walls grew taller. My thoughts went back to just an hour earlier as we stood on the airstrip stuffing the last beverages and chocolate into the cargo hold. The pilot did the math by hand when adding up the passengers’ weight.

Did we bring too much chocolate?

I pulled my seat belt a little tighter as the pilot turned us into the opposite direction and all I could see out of every window was rock. Then, in a few moments, a dirt landing strip appeared, and the River of No Return awaited.

Using your camera to become a brand ambassador...

For the next six days, I took photos and video of new friends enjoying a hundred-mile whitewater float through wild and scenic wonder. An amazing trip that was free of charge, in exchange for my services.

But besides the trip itself, I got something else out of it, too…

A common piece of gear among the guides were Watershed waterproof bags. As I inquired, they were all eager to tell me stories about their well-used bags. Quickly realizing how this product could fit into my water-filled lifestyle, I began to include the brand’s product into my videos, photos, and storytelling.

Today, I’m a proud ambassador for Watershed, and below you’ll find three steps and insight on how to become a brand ambassador for your favorite brands.

1. Research

There’s no need to buy anything. Start with what’s around you. Do you or your friends have a favorite product you use all time and rave to others about? Start there.

Ambassador programs are different from brand to brand and I approach this research step just as I would any potential new client. Simply spend a few minutes researching the brands that make up the list of your favorite products. Do they offer ambassador programs? Ask yourself how you can help them as an ambassador. Would it be a good fit? If so, move onto step two.

2. Build a Portfolio

Using your camera to become a brand ambassador...

Using your camera to become a brand ambassador...

Begin using your skills to highlight your chosen products and brand in a portfolio of clips. For me, I started creating photos and videos with friends and their gear. From the adventure above, I created enough content to provide Watershed everything they needed from an ambassador. Let your enthusiasm for the brand shine through in your portfolio. Finding ways to help your brand differentiate through your creative outlet will take your relationships to another level.

3. Apply

Now you have everything you need to apply as an ambassador for products you like and potentially get them for free. Use social networking to help with introductions, fill out the application and let everyone know why you would be a great representative. When a brand chooses you, take it seriously and keep it professional. Build a good rapport and keep a consistent dialog going with your brand contact. This consistency will help you better understand the brand needs and keep you at the top of the brand’s call list when they need you. Which of course means sending you new gear!

If you’re interested in becoming a brand ambassador, take these simple steps and maximize the opportunities around you. Have fun and best of luck!

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