photo tips and tricks

Posted by & filed under Travel Photography.

Picture this: A naked Easter Islander sliding downhill on a banana tree log at 60 kilometers per hour wearing nothing but body paint and feathers.

This image earned photographer James Kao $600 and was recently published as a double truck (spread across two pages) in Hawaiian Airlines’ Hana Hou! magazine…

photo tips and tricks

Every year here at the Ultimate Photographer’s event, we invite back past participants who are now selling their photos and we ask them to contribute even more photo tips and tricks from their journey. 

Since attending this event last year, James has been busy finding more magazines to publish his photos.  He’s also entered several photo contests – including one that earned him $6,000.

James told us the trick with contests is to read the fine print and make sure your photo will only be used if it wins. He says you should also submit the same photo to multiple contests. If it wins one, it’s likely to win another – as long as the rules don’t request exclusivity.

Colleen Bessel is here to share her story, too. A past attendee, she’s now selling her photos as fine art on a tiny island off the coast of Vancouver.  She says her big, bright flower pictures draw people into her booth… but folks typically end up leaving with the same piece again and again.  It’s a photo she’s turned into a digital “water color” of kayaks on the docks – an iconic image for travelers on the island and a good memory to take home from a vacation.

Stephanie Wolden is also here.  Since she lives in Napa, she started taking photos of vineyards and expensive wine bottles for vineyards near her home. Though she’s started taking some photos of people, too, she much prefers wine bottles – which are tricky to light… but never talk back or have suggestions. 

And Troy Nelson is having a blast taking storm photos following Kristen Bentz’s instruction in fine-art photography.  He’s also selling pattern and texture photos of his fossil and minerals collection, and he’s experimenting in people photography, too. Last year, after the Ultimate Photo Expedition, he followed the 10-Day Success Plan and made $1,500! 

In the beginning, photography can feel intimidating. Sometimes your camera and computer seem to have a mind of their own. You don’t know where to go to break in. And you’re not even sure which of your photos to select as your best. But if you take it one thing at a time, you’ll be surprised how quickly you can make progress.

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[Editor’s Note: If you want to see your pictures in magazines, newspapers, billboards, and websites, across the country…And want the opportunity to travel with your camera, to meet new people, and to see the world in a whole new way… while getting paid for it, too…then reserve your copy of the brand-new 2017 Ultimate Photo Workshop-At-Home program today. It is hands down the best value, fastest way to launch your photography career this year.

With the Ultimate Photo Workshop-At-Home Program you can hear directly from a whole team of PROS exactly how it’s done… all from the comfort of your own home. This online photo workshop program is, without question, the next-best thing to being in San Diego in person. Reserve your personal Photo Workshop-At-Home program today–you’ll also save 70% and pick up all these free gifts.]