Posted by & filed under Travel Photography.

Bonnie, here, on the last day of our Cuba Photo Expedition, and I’m at a loss of words to describe everything we’ve seen and done… so I’ll let some of my favorite attendee photos speak for themselves:

sell photos

Valerie Wickland

Valerie Cuba Vinales -623

Valerie Wickland

Resized-Cuba-real life-mady

Mady Chaber


Joe Swick


Joe Swick


John Sternbergh


John Sternbergh

Greenhut_The Red Car Vinales

Deborah Greenhut


Linda Sobosan Stein


Linda Sobosan Stein

Experiences like these are what make for an interesting, fun, and worthwhile life. And to sell the photos after we return home is one of the most satisfying feelings. Whether we sell them online as stock… as fine art prints… or alongside articles in magazines.

The great thing is, you don’t have to venture to “forbidden” places like Cuba to take interesting, saleable photos. In fact, the best thing to do is to start right at home with local businesses and attractions you can visit and research easily.

Once you sell those photos and stories, move on to the next town, country, continent… really, you can take it as near or far as you’d like.

Here’s one last tip from our instructor, Mike, about selling your work…

Your photos may be amazing and perfect, but in the end, what will lead to success selling them is figuring out how to make an editor’s life easier. Researching a publication… figuring out what they need… delivering photos in exactly the format they ask for… and, of course, doing it all on time.

Some of the best photographers out there never make it anywhere because they simply don’t follow instructions and deliver on time.

If you can do that, you’ll stand out from the crowd and will sell photos again and again.

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