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Although summer is still in full swing, we’re rapidly approaching one of the best stock photo opportunities of the year…

Back to school time!

School – and education of all kinds – are hot selling themes, which is why we’re making it August’s Breakfast Stock Club Summer Sprint theme.

Let’s take a peek at three of the current best-selling “back to school” images on Shutterstock and Adobe Stock for inspiration:

Examples of back to school stock photography

The top left image is an adorable take on the concepts of togetherness and education. No wonder it’s one of the top selling stock photos in this category!

The top right photo is a creative use of soft focus that provides a canvas for designers to overlay text while still giving a sense for the classroom setting.

And the bottom photo is a fun, fresh take on some common educational objects.

All of these shots are creative, conceptual, fun, and simple… a recipe for a great stock photo!

And remember, education-themed images don’t have to be traditional. Here’s a couple of shots that capture the idea of education outside of the classroom:

Stock photography with an education theme

Basically, when it comes to education-themed images, the more creative you get and the more you can think outside the box, the less competition you’re likely to have.

So dig out your camera and start brainstorming some fresh ideas!