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That’s it, I’m moving to France!

Sigh—not really. I do love Oregon, after all…

But after scouting for an upcoming workshop during the lavender bloom in Provence, I can’t wait to go back.

The smells. The sounds. The scenic drives and the food… you can never get enough French food!! (Note: Look for us to announce a workshop in the Provence lavender fields around December. The announcement will run around the end of the year when details are finalized, and the expedition dates will be in June or July when the blooms are at their best—I’ve picked all my favorite fields).

Provence is one of those places where you almost can’t take a bad photo—especially while the lavender is blooming! Here are a few I took while I was there…

With Adobe Lightroom, you can quickly fix a bad photo and make it saleable...

Now, I said *almost* can’t take a bad picture, because this one didn’t turn out too great:

With Lightroom, you can fix a bad photo quickly and make it saleable


But, after about 3 minutes in Lightroom, that same photo now looks like this:

With Lightroom, you can fix a bad photo quickly and make it saleable

All of these photos above are “finished” in Lightroom. And that’s what’s really great about this editing program. It can be simple or robust, whatever you need.

As well as helping you to fix a bad photo, Lightroom also offers a great way to catalog your images so you can always find them. And turning them into black and white is an art. How much contrast should you use? How do you bring out the shadows?

You can do all the above in Lightroom. Try playing around with it, have some fun, see how your dull photos can be transformed… and, stay tuned for another Lightroom tip tomorrow…

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