Posted by & filed under Podcast, Travel Photography.

“The beginning is the most important part of the work.” – Plato

For more information about how you can get started selling your photos, visit:

Great Escape Radio host, Jody Maberry, and Director, Lori Allen, introduce us to Efrain Padró.

“Efrain is probably our most sought after instructor,” says Lori. “He’s kind, humble, even-keeled, and mellow. And, he’s super smart coming from a legal background.”

Efrain’s also creative. He approaches the art of photography in his own unique way.

Lori explains…

“Efrain loves photographing nature. He especially loves evening photography: stars and night skies. I’ve seen him sit for hours in one spot to get a great photo.”

You would think someone like that would be boring or not very interesting—but that’s not the case with Efrain.

He’s known for his sense of humor.

“Efrain’s very funny, you want him to be in your inner circle, and you want him to be your friend.”

And Efrain’s everybody’s friend.

He’s very open with his teaching and telling everybody exactly how to do what he’s doing.

Efrain shares his story with Jody…

“I practiced law in Denver for almost 20 years. Around 2001 I started getting into photography.”

Efrain was in his early 40s at the time and the plan was to take pictures, get better at photography, and then move into photography full-time after he retired when he was around 65. His plans were derailed when his wife got a job opportunity in New Mexico.

“New Mexico does not have reciprocity with Colorado for practicing law, which meant I would have to take another bar exam.”

Efrain was not excited about taking another bar exam, so he jumped in and started a new full-time career as a travel photographer, writer, and teacher.

“I started from scratch—I didn’t even have a single photo of New Mexico,” says Efrain. “But I always start at the beginning and go from there.”

Efrain’s beginning has led him to a very successful career as a travel photographer, writer, and teacher.

That career has taken him to Puerto Rico, Morocco, Peru, Thailand, Cambodia, Spain, and Holland as an expedition leader with us.

Listen in as Efrain explains how he got started, how he used his legal background to break into teaching photography classes, and what led him to us.

He also shares what he wishes he had known when he first started out. Hint: You can get it all in one place with us!

For more information about travel photography and to see all of the ways you can sell your photos visit:

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