Posted by & filed under Podcast, Travel Photography.

“For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.” – Aristotle

For more information on getting started in travel writing go to or, if photography is what you’re interested in go to

Great Escape Radio host, Jody Maberry and Director, Lori Allen discuss overcoming the obstacles to get started with photography or travel writing, practicing your craft, knowing when to quit and learning how to figure out the things you most want to do.

People often talk to Jody about getting into podcasts. Their first comment is typically “I’m not very good behind the microphone.”

Jody’s response is always the same….

“Of course you’re not. You haven’t done it yet.”

Jody’s been doing podcasts for several years now and he’s gotten good at it.

“The guy you hear in the first few episodes is not the same guy you hear today.”

The same is true for photography, travel writing, leading tours or whatever endeavor you pursue.

Lori discusses the initial stumbling blocks…

“The technical stuff is often the first stumbling block and you do have to figure that out,” she explains. “But getting the right camera is not going to automatically make you a great photographer.”

“The trick to being successful is always more time—more practice.”

Listen in to understand why the old adage “practice makes perfect” applies to everything in life—including photography and travel writing.

Lori and Jody also discuss the importance of realizing when it’s time to give something up—yes, winners do quit sometimes.

As Lori says…

“Success always looks like a winding road. Follow it, embrace the detours, and keep going. Eventually, you’ll find the success you’ve been looking for.”

For more information on getting started in travel writing go to or, if photography is what you’re interested in go to

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