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Nathan shares his favorite blogging perks...Since I started blogging, I’ve discovered there are many benefits to the craft. Some blogging perks are tangible, and others less so, but all are valuable.

If you’re just starting out as a blogger or thinking about giving it a try, here are a few of my favorite benefits of being a blogger.

1. Press trips. Destinations promote themselves to your readers or followers by inviting you to attend organized trips. Sometimes you’ll be with a group of bloggers and travel writers, while other times it may be a solo press trip.

In exchange for writing and sharing your experience, press trip organizers will pay for your hotels, meals, and tours… and, often, even your flights.

I’ve found that the majority of press trip organizers are extremely willing to assist in tailoring a trip, in order to make it suitable for your audience. For example, I write mostly about food and wine. In my recent work with a tourism board in Spain, I spent the entire time touring vineyards, sampling wines, and dining at some of the best local restaurants.

Traveling via a press trip rather than on my own grants me access I would otherwise not have. I was even able to go “behind the scenes” and was introduced to chefs so I could discuss their training, techniques, and approaches to cooking. These are stories my readers enjoy.

2. Additional income. After you’ve established your blog and gained a readership and/or social media following, all of your hard work literally begins to pay off.

Your blog can generate income in many ways, and you’ll likely find yourself cultivating several blog-related income streams.

To earn additional income, you can:

  • Sell photos from your trips
  • Attend paid press trips
  • Sell freelance pieces from your own travels or press trips
  • Develop a course
  • Write an ebook
  • Run your own tours
  • Receive affiliate income from articles you write, and
  • Advertise on your blog

Depending on your audience and niche, there are countless income possibilities (and new methods are invented all the time).

Most of my fellow bloggers enjoy a primary blog-related source of income, such as affiliate marketing, but also cultivate several smaller income streams.

For example, I make the majority of my blog-related income through freelance writing, sponsored posts, and social media management… but I’m also hoping to grow my affiliate income this year.

3. The community. During my first year of blogging, my site made little to no money. In fact, after what I spent on hosting and courses, I likely lost money.

So why did I choose to continue blogging? The community.

The friends I have made as a blogger have become my closest. Although we are a globally-spread community, it oftentimes feels small and tight-knit.

Whenever I’m planning a visit to a new city, it’s likely I will either know someone there or have a list of curated suggestions from a blogger friend who has spent time there.

It’s an amazing experience to show up in a strange place and find a familiar face, even if it’s just to share a cup of coffee or a glass of wine.

It’s also why I love attending conferences and press trips—they’re opportunities to reconnect with old friends and to finally meet others I only know from Facebook groups or from reading their blogs.

The benefits, the income, the lifestyle, the connections, the access, the ability to work from anywhere, the friendships—these are just a few of the reasons that I love being a blogger… I’m sure you’ll find as many, if not more, rewards when you start your own blog

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