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“It’s more important to click with people than it is to click the shutter.”—Alfred Eisenstaedt

Host, Jody Maberry welcomes award-winning photographer, Joseph Sindorf back to the show.

Last time Joe was on the show he was getting ready to go to Namibia in West Africa—which turned out to be an amazing trip.

Every time Joe is on the show it seems he is packing for another trip. This time is no exception—Joe is packing for a trip to Jordan where he’ll be leading another Photography Expedition.

He’ll be visiting Petra—the old Nabataean city carved out of red sandstone.

He’ll spend a night in the Jordanian desert following in the footsteps of Lawrence of Arabia and float in the Dead Sea.

There will be lots of images to capture and Joe will want to include people in those images.

“Photography isn’t about the camera,” says Joe. “It’s about telling powerful stories and often those stories revolve around people.”

In his humanitarian work, Joe has developed several techniques for getting the photographs he wants of the people in the environment that speaks to who they are. It’s all about making contact.

Listen in as Joe shares how a smile and three basic words in the language of the country he’s visiting opens doors, allows him to take the photos he wants and gives him more than photos—it gives him stories.

To keep up to date on the Great Escape Publishing Photography Expeditions Joe leads, visit

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