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“Pushing past our fears makes amazing experiences happen.” – Lori Allen

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Great Escape Host, Jody Maberry and Director, Lori Allen talk about Lori’s recent travels, what surprised her and what she learned.

Lori recently returned from a very special trip with her 7-year old daughter, Charlie. They traveled to the Southwest including the Grand Canyon, Sedona and to Arches National Park as part of a kid-friendly group tour.

“Being outdoors all day, driving through landscapes that constantly change, having gorgeous weather and quality one-on-one time together was very special.”

It wasn’t Lori’s usual mode of travel, however…

“Group tours are usually something I won’t do, I prefer to be in control of my time. But this was a kid-friendly tour and since I wasn’t familiar with the landscapes in the area, I wanted to be sure the hikes were kid appropriate.”

Lori had been to the Grand Canyon twice before and she knew it was spectacular. But what really blew her away was the beauty of Arches National Park in Moab, Utah.

“The colors, the light, everything was breathtaking.”

There were several times throughout her visit in the park that she had to remind herself she was still in the USA.

“Arches reminded me of Namibia and I kept thinking about how I go all that way—sometimes 26 hours of flying—to get to see these magnificent things when just a 4-hour plane ride away is Arches!”

Lori loved it so much that she’s planning a Photography Expedition to the area in 2018.

Listen in to hear more about her “kid in a candy store” experience. Lori also shares what she learned from this unique trip. And, she talks about the fears we sometimes have to overcome to travel or to pursue our dreams of becoming a travel writer or photographer.

To keep up with everything we have to offer, sign up for the newsletter at and receive a free report on five ways you can get paid to travel.

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