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“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” – Walt Disney

Great Escape Radio Host, Jody Maberry and Director, Lori Allen, bring Allegra Stein back to the podcast to discuss why people feel stuck and how we can get past that feeling. (Listen to her previous podcast here.)

Inspired by Shenee Howard’s 100 People Project, Lori has embarked on a challenge to call 100 people. She’s reaching out to our experts, success stories, beginners, people who’ve inspired her on Facebook and people she’s traveled with. In those calls, she’s discovered that many people feel stuck for a variety of reasons: lack of time, lack of cash, lack of focus.

Distractions are real and we all experience them. Lori can relate to the lack of time and focus. She admits it’s a constant struggle for her to manage her time efficiently.

“I’ll admit I have a time management problem,” Lori shares. “I was working way too much and when I had my kids that had to change.”

Lori works hard to keep her priorities first and to avoid distractions which for her include Trip Advisor, Facebook, and the news.

Allegra addresses the feeling of being stuck and how getting on top of our distractions can move us forward.

Allegra shares an interesting metaphor…

“It’s like a person who wants to climb a mountain. Picture that person running around at base camp collecting all of the stuff needed to climb: the right backpack, good sleeping bag, breaking in the right shoes and hiring a coach for training. But are they really getting prepared or are they just avoiding getting started on the climb? It’s when we turn our backs on that stuff and start climbing the mountain that we experience real growth.”

Writers and photographers do the same thing. Ask yourself these questions:

***What are you avoiding?

***What’s the tiniest thing you can do to get started doing this thing you’re avoiding?

Lori reads some of the stories that have come in from people who feel stuck for a variety of reasons: recent divorce, illness, distractions and cash flow issues.

Allegra shares her thoughts and some possible actions that might help each of these situations. She also shares insight on reframing our current circumstances to help us move forward with our current goals. Listen in and see how you can learn to stop blaming distractions and take control.

You can learn more about travel writing at and more about photography at

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