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“Let your dreams outgrow the shoes of your expectations.” – Ryunosuke Satoro

On this episode, Great Escape Radio host, Jody Maberry and Director, Lori Allen revisit Lori’s quest to make 100 calls and introduce us to Allegra Stein.

Inspired by Shenee Howard’s 100 People Project, Lori has embarked on a challenge to call 100 people. She’s reaching out to our experts, success stories, beginners, people who’ve inspired her on Facebook and people she’s traveled with.

Life coach Allegra Stein was just one of those calls.

“Allegra is a relocation coach, but that’s not all she’s about. She’s about reinvention, realizing your dreams and helping people get there,” Lori shares.

Listen in for Allegra’s inspiring discussion with Lori and Jody about her work.

You’ll learn about these interesting concepts…

***Campfire Coaching

***Overcoming “Internal Stuckness”

***Adopting the spirit of curiosity

***Dealing with thought tornadoes

As Allegra says, “Things are never as we expect them to be. But think of all the doors that open when you realize things can go in so many different directions.”

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