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“A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.” – Lao Tzu

If you’d like to get started with travel writing, visit:

Great Escape Radio host, Jody Maberry and Director, Lori Allen introduce Gwyn Goodrow.

“Gwyn is a great example of what can happen when you put one right step in front of the last right step,” says Lori.

Gwyn turned a vacation to Northern Alabama into multiple published travel articles… one step at a time.

Gwyn talks with Jody about how she got her start.

“I’ve always enjoyed traveling and I keep journals of all of my trips.”

Those journals have now been transformed into published articles.

“I attended the Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop in New Orleans last year. Listening to the experts and those who have been successful at travel writing, I was able to establish a system.”

That system has helped Gwyn turn her travel journals into travel articles—and she has done all of this while working a full-time corporate job.

From her one week vacation in Northern Alabama and the surrounding Tennessee Valley, Gwyn has had eight articles published. And she has surpassed her goal of pitching three stories a month. As of this broadcast, Gwyn has had 21 articles published.

“I’ll admit it is challenging to stay organized and moving forward while working a full-time corporate job,” says Gwyn. “But, I follow the daffodil principle—one step at a time, day after day.”

What’s next for Gwyn?

She’s attending our Ultimate Photography Workshop in San Diego next month. She’ll be using her time in San Diego to work on more travel articles while she’s polishing up her photography skills.

If you’d like to get started with travel writing, visit:

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